The beginning [Part-4]

"Why'd you want to stay with me so badly?"-Kakashi

'Because I'm an international Icha Icha spy and here to meet the biggest fan of Icha Icha paradise. I'm also here to expose your dirty thoughts and fantasies to the world and make it aware of how dangerous you are.'

They both stared at each other. Their expressions were identical before Kakashi blinked and seemed to have remembered something.

'I win.'

"Oh right, you're voice."-Kakashi

Soon feeling tired from the walk, Veronica tugged Kakashi's pants to get his attention. He bent down to listen to her, or read whatever she wanted to convey, and she used that chance to climb up. Sighing, he carried her the rest of the way, already seeming to regret his decision to take her with him.

She ignored the way he was very tensed the whole time. She didn't think much about him.

They reached the place fairly quickly and went in.

She noticed the Hatake being far from pleased at her going in his home.

'How the hell is this place so dirty?! I'll have to clean this up first thing tomorrow. I might even find something useful.'

In actuality, the place wasn't that dirty at all. All of his important stuff was properly put away in an orderly manner but Veronica had noticed how some of the kitchen knives had stains of blood on them. She had already noticed how the couch had tear stains on them. She had already noticed the actual state of what Kakashi was in.

And she knew that to be able to get over he own depressive state, this was not a wonderful start.

"We'll go and get you some clothes tomorrow and enroll you in the academy too so after you heal, you can go straight to classes."-Kakashi

She wasn't sure that going straight to school after having a near death experience would be good for her mental health, but still nodded at that and Kakashi showed her, her room which she will be staying in. It was a guest room with a single bed, a desk and a door that connected to a bathroom.

They both went in their own rooms to sleep, clearly not having enough social battery to continue talking. They didn't even come down to eat dinner that day and because of Veronica, Kakashi knew that he would be having a hard time falling asleep.

--- --- --- --- ---

'Morning already, huh...?

I can't believe it's been almost two days already... *Sigh* Well, it could even be more than two since I don't know how long I was asleep for. I'll have to ask Kakashi that. I'll clean up this place first.'

She stepped out and noticed the man, or boy she wasn't sure about his age, hadn't woken up.

'He's still sleeping.

Well, it's more likely that he was at Obito and Rin's grave all night and is tired. I should try and help him out. I guess.

I probably wouldn't be able to rest peacefully without helping him. Besides, who knows, maybe we'll bond on the fact that, we lost people we treasured dearly, someday. After all, we both were indirectly or directly responsible for our losses.

I guess this was why I formed some sort of attachment to a lot of the characters here. They know the pain of losing someone you love.

Other than that, these people are all idiots. A whole clan massacred by a single child? And in a single night at that? I thought that at least Danzo would question that but no, guess he was stupid too. Or maybe he was involved in it as well. Other than that, clearly Itachi had another accomplice, which was probably Obito. Besides that, a whole clan didn't make any sort of noise? They couldn't even alert anyone that lived near them or something? And how do these people even know that they wiped them all out? That's stupid. There could-

There could be more Uchiha roaming this planet.'

She froze at that thought. She never thought too much of it before but after thinking of it, it was a very clear possibility that there could be some more Uchiha roaming around.


No, this isn't even just a small speculation. There is still a very probable chance that there could be more Uchiha roaming around. Maybe they never got the sharingan then? Or they got killed the moment it was found out that they were Uchiha. Couldn't there be more Senju as well then? The death of the Senju clan was certainly a mystery. Could Zetsu have been responsible for their deaths? Since he can just appear out of nowhere, I bet he has a lot of information so... And he's been alive for a very long time. It could be that he's been slowly killing all of them or just getting the bloodline thinned out enough.

Dammit. It's only morning and I'm already overthinking everything.'

Sighing, she freshened up and proceeded to clean the whole place. She put away all the dirty laundry to wash them later, wiped off all the dust from the shelves and the tables. She cleaned up the blood stains on the kitchen sink and continued like this for an hour. She was sure that Kakashi could hear her and was already awake but didn't come downstairs to help her out.

She successfully didn't think much about any blood stains she saw but, she felt as though she already knew where those had come from.

'All that's left is breakfast. It's a good thing I woke up early. These wounds made it hard to do anything.

But I will have to check if I'm from any clan which specializes in regeneration or self-healing. I could be a senju but I think the Hokage could have found that and tell me. It could be that this body was being experimented on by Orochimaru since he is the only one I know of right now that could create such a nicely designed body. Ugh, couldn't I have phrased that better? It sounds kind of disgusting now that I think about it...'

Deciding on making a simple breakfast, she quickly got to work.

'He still hasn't got up. Perverted lazy ass.'

Filling up a cup with water, she went up to his room. She first knocked but got no answer so walked right in. Throwing the water on his masked face, he got up with a shock, hand going under his pillow to look for his kunai.

He was annoyed but still a bit relieved when he saw it was her and not whoever he was expecting.

He sighed when he saw the cup in her tiny hands, reminding him of his own when his father had just died, looking at him with an angry expression. He easily avoided her eyes and got up.

Huffing, she threw a paper at him and left.

He sweat dropped at that a bit.

'Don't you wish that at least a single person could be here with you? Telling you it's ok to be sad? Consoling you that it wasn't your fault?'

The questions would never leave her mouth. But she wondered if those questions were just for Kakashi, or for her as well?

*You glow differently when you're happy.*