Childhood days [Part-10]

'I can't even train like crazy 'cause that would be too suspicious. Especially when I have practically no goals, and there isn't a war going on right now. Kaka-san has started teaching both me and Naruto taijutsu now. He's also been helping us out with the basic academy ninjutsu too though this isn't enough at all...

He won't be teaching us any jutsu or any new taijutsu attacks. I can't study the plant poisons much when I can't even see them, and memorizing the limited amount of medical knowledge given to kids is getting boring as well.

Being a kid really sucks... What should I do now? I'm so bored. Maybe I'll visit Sasugay? I should start distancing myself from him though, if I get attached then I'll be heartbroken. I've already gotten used to the Uchiha clan roaming around the streets, who knows how I'll react when they're gone...

*Sigh* I can hang out with any of the children, go out and walk, clean, make some food or study. But I don't want to do any of those things though. This is so boring...'

In the end, she decided to visit the Uchiha compound.

She skipped towards the Uchiha compound secretly hoping that Fugaku wouldn't be there. The man reminded her of how she would get when she wouldn't be putting on her mask. Although he was much better than her, considering how his eyes shined when he looked at his family, but she couldn't help the feeling of dislike towards him.

The Uchiha clan was weird, she could faintly sense their fiery chakra even though she was never trying to. The curly haired Uchiha's chakra bothered her more than the ones she'd ever felt before.

She noticed all the stares sent her way. It was scary and disconcerting, but she had quickly learned to disguise that fear. She also noticed how the people talked a lot when they thought she couldn't hear them. It was mostly civilians, she'd noticed. Whispers of her being a monster, demon, an outsider and what-not had become common now.

She didn't mind the whispers but the children she'd met had started to isolate her and Naruto when the clan children weren't around. The side effects of these whispers were starting to anger her.

The rumors which would irritate her the most would be when the civilians whispered about a failure of a mission. They would blame anything and everything on a single ninja who they thought wouldn't fight back, or wouldn't talk back. The Uchiha clan members, she found, were the ones to be blamed.

She sometimes felt that perhaps she should start a world war in this world so that the civilians would learn to be grateful of the sacrifices of the shinobi. But that plan had too many uncertainties so she didn't ponder on it for too long.

'Ignore. Ignore. Ignore.'

Her face showed almost no emotion as she continued her way to visit her friend.

Upon reaching the compound, she came across Itachi. She put on a fake smile as she looked up at him.

He couldn't see through it either. After all, nobody could ever look through her mask. Nobody except her but she wasn't here. So Veronica had nothing to worry about.

"Uh huh. I'll be back soon though. Take care of Sasuke for me."-Itachi

His eyes held pain not concealed too much. He looked so fragile for a moment Veronica almost let her mask slip.

'I'm guessing he's been given the mission already from the look in his eyes. Or perhaps the clan is bothering him too much. I can't even do anything... I could try and talk to him though...? No, that won't work. That's just a silly plan. Right now there is no other choice rather than to let it happen.

If only I was stronger... If only I had more power in my hands... Maybe I could...

It's useless to think about this now I guess. I'll only drown more deeper in this ocean if I continue down this line.'

Veronica made her way towards where she guessed Sasuke might be at.


The boy looked determined as he focused on making his hand signs.

--- --- --- --- ---

"Sa... Sasuke?"-Veronica

Veronica sighed when she saw him hugging himself, trying to keep his sleeping self warm. She had gone out to greet Mikoto and found him sleeping.

'Maybe I took too much time...'

She slowly carried him in her small arms, the weight practically crushing her but she wasn't one to complain, not like she had anyone to complain to. Bringing him inside his room she placed the blanket over him and left him a little note for when he wakes up.

'If only he was as quiet and cute when he was awake.'

Sighing, she went out informing Mikoto what had happened. She thanked her and Veronica proceeded to go back home.

--- --- --- --- ---

'Damn. I got no sleep last night thanks to those nightmares... My head feels heavy too.

Whatever, I'll finish cleaning for now. Since we're on break, I can train too. I'll start with meditation and increasing my chakra reserves. I'll ask Kaka-san to get me some of that chakra paper. I think that wouldn't be suspicious or anything if I say I found out about in the library. After that I'll head towards where Naruto is and get him to train with me. I should probably visit the others soon too.

If I still have some extra time then I'll go play around with Shikamaru and his gang. Or maybe visit Hinata.

And there's the thing with the fourth Hokage. I should probably just stop thinking about that to be honest. I don't think that, the fourth hokage being in a coma will do anything to me for now.'

Veronica got freshened up and didn't bother to wake up the sleeping Kakashi. She had a lot on her mind and it seems that the stress probably won't go away for a while.

Getting in the bath, she noticed how the house smelled like puppies and dogs even though Kakashi hadn't summoned them at all ever since she came here. It was a nice smell for her. A change of pace from her life back in the orphanage.

Back in the orphanage, everyone mostly smelled like sweat. And sometimes like specific vegetables or like dirt. Lily's house always smelled like flowers, which Veronica wasn't very fond of. The smell was just too strong for her liking. Maybe it was because she had never been raised in a clean environment.

'Whatever. It doesn't matter now anyways...'

Sighing at her thoughts once more, she thought back to her previous life and compared it to this life. Both of them were both good and bad. She had people she was fond of in both the lives but if she had choose then maybe she would like to have had this life from the beginning. She was scared of being here, she could die anytime if she made a single wrong move but in this life... She could still rise to the top. Sure, there were certain disadvantages but here, if people deem you a threat, they don't look at your origins. Back in her old life, she knew that no matter where she went and who she stayed with, the fact that she was a mistake would follow her forever.

Now, that terrifying monster wouldn't be able to find her.

Now, she would be safe from all those hungry people who were after her. She once again ignored that tiny voice in her head asking if there weren't any monsters in this world.

'This life would be even better had big sister Lily been here with me. Also her husband. We three could've lived happily ever after. Just like in a fairy tale.'