Childhood days [Part-12]

Kakashi didn't look too surprised when she asked him that. She guessed he must have suspected she would've found out sooner or later.

"Well... Yes, he does."-Kakashi

She knew that if she told him that then all the Hokage could do was inflict a minor punishment on her but, for Kakashi things would be uncertain. On one hand, it could be considered that she acted alone, but on the other hand it could be said that he let her tell Naruto that he was a jinchuuriki. And Kakashi was in the ANBU so for him to not even realize that she told Naruto that would be met with a punishment.

Kakashi stayed quiet and looked to be in deep thought. The elders had made it clear that no one is to tell Naruto of him hosting the Kyuubi. There were many ways he could go about this. He could make sure to remain unscathed and still tell Naruto of this but, there were a lot of what-ifs on Naruto's side. What if the child couldn't handle the truth? His mental health would effect the Kyuubi. The villagers could get more direct with their abusive treatment to Naruto.

In the end, Kakashi didn't respond to her question and Veronica took it as a no.

'I don't wanna go to school. I've already learned everything. I can't even graduate early cause I could make Danzo or Orochimaru interested in me since I already made such a big scene when I arrived. I'd rather not be with either of them right now.

Maybe in the future when Orochimaru changes and stuff. Well, I'll know about him changing when Mitsuki comes to Konoha.'

Veronica sighed and was about to Kakashi to ask if she could get fuinjutsu supplies and get some books for it as well when she remembered something.

If she learned fuinjutsu then a target could be set on her back.

The Council and the Hokage would be keeping their eyes on her and if she did not act as a loyal shinobi to Konoha then who knows what would happen to her.

'This information could spread like wild fire if Kakashi told even one person, and he would tell the Hokage this. Besides, if a child who just showed up with mysterious self healing power who clearly is more mature and intelligent than her age learns fuinjutsu then it could lead to some trouble. I'll have to wait a couple more months and maybe do something so that he won't report everything about me to the Hokage or something.

Wait... Why would Kakashi even teach me fuinjutsu? Right, I'm still an outsider. No matter what I'll always be an outsider.

Even if he cares a bit about me, which I doubt he does, he would never do something that could potentially harm the village.'

Sighing, Veronica decided to just continue with her basic training. Kakashi had reluctantly started to teach her some other jutsu other than the academy ones and she was thankful for that. She guessed that it may be one of the only things that Kakashi would teach her.

She ignored the tiny hope in her dark mind saying that even if Kakashi cared for the village he still cared for her.

Once again, she put on her mask.

The same mask that no one will ever know that she has.

Her mind couldn't stop drowning her again and again these days. She was very much tired of this all already.

she thought about Kakashi and couldn't help but slightly be worried. He had been coming late these days and was very stressed. He had dark circles around his eyes and couldn't even properly move a muscle when he got back. He tried to play it off and make her not notice it but she wasn't a fool. She could tell that something was happening.

Today she decided to wait for him to come back. She had taken a nap in the middle of the day with Naruto and wasn't tired at all.

'This lazy ass better thank me for going through all this trouble.'

As if on cue she heard the door open and rushed out of her room to meet him. She was surprised to find Kakashi with Shisui and Itachi. He was being supported by the two and was very clearly drunk. The three ANBU were also surprised seeing her and didn't know what to say to her.

Shisui tried to reassure that everything was fine and not tell her that Kakashi was drunk while Itachi just sighed at his friend's attempts to console a child.

Deciding to talk after they had settled down, she guided the three to Kakashi's room to let him rest. She didn't notice that Kakashi was kind of scared and the other two had audibly gulped seeing her threatening aura in front of them.

Kakashi remembered the first time he had made her angry. She had to go to school early that day and said something about waking Naruto on the way because he probably forgot there was an exam. He had to cook for himself and also clean the house. It wasn't anything unusual but he wasn't feeling like doing much on that day. So he tried to do the work faster.

However, he had created a mess of the kitchen, the house was even more dirty than before and his room had gone back to the way it was before. He remembered that day that she had made him hide in the forest of death the whole night and the next morning when he thought she had calmed down, he could practically see heaven and didn't go back home for 3 days.

Shisui and Itachi had also heard the same, but a bit more exaggerated, and didn't know what to expect from the little girl walking in front of them.

To their surprise she did nothing and the three men proceeded to let down their guard not realizing the next events would make sure that Kakashi never gets drunk, or act like a drunk, in front of her again.

She had made them eat a new kind of 'poison' and then proceeded to activate the traps which laid the whole house. Because of the 'poison' they had to be taking turns in the washroom and Kakashi and Shisui were running around the whole house. They all kept falling for the traps and when they started to avoid them their urge to go to the washroom only increased by then. Luckily, Veronica had a soft spot for Itachi, since he took care of Sasuke when she had to go with the other children, and had let him use the washroom in her room.

Meanwhile, Veronica calmly sipped her tea and watched all of them, even taking a couple of pictures for blackmail. Her face had a wide smirk which made Pakkun, who was eating his treats next to her, think that she resembled a devil right now.

'I never thought that chakra powered cameras could work so well. Maybe I'll get one for myself when I start earning money.

I'm guessing that Kakashi probably became a jonin and stepped down from ANBU. The two brothers don't look that stressed so I think that Danzo hasn't given out the order to massacre the Uchiha clan yet. Should I try to save the Uchiha clan? But what could I even do right now? Seal them like in those fanfics Lily told me about? Too bad I don't know any fuinjutsu.

I'll deal with this later. Lets just review what happened until now.

Firstly, Naruto is not as dumb. He has started to get average marks now and does try to pay attention in class. He has also started practicing ninjutsu and taijutsu with me. I'll tell him of the Uzumaki clan when I find some sort of book about them so people don't get suspicious that I had pulled that information out of thin air. He's also made a lot of friends thanks to me now, though the adults are still the same, which is very annoying.

Secondly, Sasuke, Shikamaru, Choji, Kiba, Shino and a couple others from the boys have become quite close with me. I've even had Sasuke share lunch with me. We hang out a lot but Shikamaru and I are the ones that hang out the most, excluding Naruto. Maybe its the fact that I'm more mature than a lot of kids but he talks to me more than others.

The girls are fine now. Before, Ino and Sakura were some spoiled brats but I've got them handled now. Although I did have to make it clear to them to not ever bully Naruto again. I still remember what I said that day...

'If ANYONE hurts my family, just remember... My silence is not my weakness but the beginning of my revenge.'

I didn't think that letting a bit of uncontrolled chakra out in the room would make me fear them so much. I should learn how to control myself. But I probably looked great saying that since Sasuke and Naruto were staring at me in admiration.

I do hope the Hokage doesn't think of punishing me for that though, I could tell he was watching through his magic crystal ball thing.'

*If they stand behind you, protect them. If they stand beside you, respect them.

If they stand against you, rip them to shreds.*