Haphazard [Part-14]

[Oh, I thought I'd never get to see you so soon Veronica.]-???


No, this-

It can't be possible... How-'-Veronica

Veronica tried to calm herself seeing the two tails, Matatabi, laying peacefully in her mindscape. She hadn't seen any marks of a seal all over her body so she didn't even think of a tailed beast residing in her body. She had just sat down to meditate and she felt as though she should explore her mindscape so that no one with a mind jutsu could easily get manipulate her or see her memories.

She felt exposed right now.

She felt weak.

Matatabi could have seen through her memories. Could have seen through her thoughts. Could have seen through her mask.

[A/n: Veronica is speaking inside her mind so whenever she speaks with Matatabi I will use '...']

'So are you gonna tell me how this happened?'

She had switched off some of her emotions for now.

[You recovered quite quickly from your shock.]-Matatabi

'I don't know about you but this might be the least shocking thing that's happened to me till now. I've been reborn with unknown powers in a world full of monsters. I've seen traumatic people and so-called 'kind' people turn out to be not so kind. Not only that, there are literal monsters here too and a 'god' who if succeeds will probably wipe out all of humanity. Dead people will be brought back from the dead to fight wars. I don't really know what will surprise me at this point.'

*Sometimes you just have to be done. Not mad, not upset. Just done.*

[You seem quite done with this world already.]-Matatabi

Matatabi's amusement was very clear.

'Yes, so are you gonna answer my question? I hope you know that I'm also asking about Yugito Nii.'

Veronica had her eyes narrowed as she looked at the beast before her. Even if she did pity the tailed beasts and wanted to help them, she couldn't trust anyone right now.

She didn't want to trust anyone here.

[Well, as you know, our creator had sent me to live in a temple, although I had many other temples rather than that one, and later on I was sold to the Hidden Cloud village as a sign of friendship by Hashirama. I was to be sealed in Yugito but, they had spilt me in half, much like my sibling, and used this child's body as an experiment of sorts. The child's family had a unique kekkai genkai and they wanted to see the reaction with a tailed beast.

If they succeeded, they would have another weapon for them to use and if they didn't then they would have used Bee and A to have my other half be captured again.

In the end, the experiment almost ended up taking her life which freed me and I used that time to undo the seal on Yugito and free my other half. They hadn't expected for a tailed beast to know fuinjutsu. I was going to be sealed again in Yugito or someone else but then you came in and possessed the body of this child.

I decided to reside in your body and hide my presence. Your soul had just taken the new body so you were still dead to the people. I'm sure you can guess what the situation is now.]-Matatabi

Veronica could see Matatabi try to appear as non-threatening as possible and even lower herself to meet her eyes.

'I see, I'm guessing I had somehow been thrown in a river in all the chaos. Were you the one who used your power to save me from drowning or was that my power?'

[That was me Veronica.]-Matatabi

Matatabi ignored the disappointed aura from the child at that. Veronica had hoped that the incident when she was 'saved' from drowning had been her kekkai genkai but it seems the gods were not on her side.

'You can just call me Vero-chan like Naruto and Kaka-san. You already know me well enough by now.

So do I have a kekkai genkai? Also, I'm pretty sure you've been talking with your sibling all this time, correct?'

Matatabi nodded at that.

[Yes, that is correct Vero-chan. From your memories, it would've been a long time till I had a chance to see him again. I haven't informed him of your knowledge yet though. I thought to discuss this with you first before doing anything.

And your kekkai genkai, it allows you to form 'bonds' with souls. With enough chakra you can use them to become your ears and eyes. Not only that, you can even let them 'possess' your body for a while and see through their memories. Of course, that is what I know. The information may be false or it may be incomplete but I do know some of your family's techniques.]-Matatabi

Veronica looked a bit thoughtful at that. If someone as old as a tailed beast didn't know of her clans/family's kekkai genkai's full abilities then it may be hard to find more information about it.

'I see, I'm guessing that the child's family weren't big enough to be called a clan and they all specialized in gathering information since you haven't said anything about their strength. For now, we'll discuss my Kekkai genkai later on. We have quite a lot of stuff to discuss about the future first. *Sigh* this is gonna be a pain...

Not only that, the ability sounds almost useless in a fight...'

Veronica sat down and thought where to even begin with the two tailed beast in front of her. Even the tailed beast was very shocked at what they had found out from her memories and knew that if they wanted a better future for everyone then they needed to do something.

Just as they were about to say something, Matatabi felt something.

[You might want to check on Kakashi Vero-chan.]-Matatabi

'What?! IS HE ALRIGHT???'

Before she could ask anything else though Matatabi had already took over her body and ran over to where Kakashi was. Veronica returned to her senses when she saw he was having a panic attack.

She quickly grabbed him as he was bent over and looked for something to support his weight. Her thoughts were solely focused on the man in front of her. She didn't care if Matatabi had forcefully possessed her body.

Right now, only he mattered.

She could let her mind drown her in dark thoughts about whatever happened later on.

'Matatabi do you know something that could help?!!!'

[I'm trying, try to steady his breathing and help him focus his mind on you.]-Matatabi

Veronica did as she was told, she hugged him tight and took slow deep breaths asking Kakashi to do the same. Eventually he did calm down.

Just as she was about to say something he passed out though.

*Its disrespectful in my opinion, when people talk about panic attacks like they're just a slight hiccup.*

[Chakra exhaustion probably.]-Matatabi

'Can you supply him with your chakra?'

[He'll find out about me if I do that. And besides he can use this time to finally rest his body and mind. We both know that having a panic attack in the middle of sleeping isn't a healthy sign.]-Matatabi

'Alright. Thanks Matatabi, you're a lifesaver.'

[... It is alright, I think you should sleep with him tonight. I'm guessing he's a bit touch starved too.]-Matatabi

Although she might never admit it but she had been shocked that a human would ever thank her. She had seen many humans but a child who was as broken as her still be able to feel emotions, still be able function and still... live, thank her had made her feel an unknown emotion.

An emotion that she will hope that she never feels again.

'Mhm, I will.'

Veronica, with a lot of difficulty, finally managed to lay Kakashi down on the bed.

'I am never picking him up again.'

She laid down with him but as usual was having trouble sleeping. She kind of guessed that Kakashi had woken by now and was just eyeing her like a haw- like an ANBU would and waiting for any sort of action from her. Though the two of them never made any move. They didn't push each other away or even twitch a bit.

They were both just children forced to grow up. Touch starved and lonely in the world. Like a pair of siblings.

It may have been a lovely sight. She would never know.