Another one [Part-19]

The man was actually behaving like a good-natured guy and if Karasu didn't know better she and Veronica, maybe, would've believed him.

'If that's drugged then I could be able to study it later.

I do hope that drugs don't work on clones though...'

Veronica saw the two moving towards the man's general house location. Seeing as though after a few minutes they would reach there; she gripped her kunai tightly.

'Let's do this.'

Stepping in the house, not a single sound was made by her small feet.

Looking around, she noticed how it was relatively normal. Well, except for the stench of corpses coming from the room he had taken her clone in.

Taking a deep breath, she entered the room and threw her kunai towards the man. Her clone had already pushed him off of her and was gripping her own kunai.

The man had managed to dodge the kunai but wasn't able to foresee the three shuriken coming his way. One hit his leg and the other two, hit his right arm. He was about to voice out why she was attacking him but Veronica threw a kick at his abdomen.

'Damn. I wasn't able to concentrate on throwing my shuriken and ended up wasting them. Tch. I need to work on moving targets more often.'

Seeing him stand up and try to attack her, she smirked at his sloppy form. Sure, she wasn't a fan of taijutsu styles since she thought that they were sometimes quite restrictive but even throwing a punch has somethings that everyone should keep in mind. Like, the position of your thumb and when you're putting force in your fists. If you start putting energy in your hand even before you throw a punch then it won't do much damage. You need to put all your energy when you throw your punch out in your fists.

Clearly the man only targeted weak people for a reason.

She grabbed another kunai from her pocket and closed in on him.

Perhaps it was the fact that he knew death was coming. His face showed many emotions. His eyes moving at a much faster rate than ever before. He was even more shocked to see Karasu poof and vanish. Veronica noticed it all. After all, she knew death. She knew that right now his mind must be racing. All his memories must be haunting him. His mind was racing as though thinking of some way to survive.

It was as if everything was in slow motion for the both of them.

'I knew it. My death... Really made me less reactive to blood and gore. I feel... bad, guilty and... shameful but... a bit empty as well.

Hah. I'm a monster. I wonder if even these feelings will fade if I kill a couple more people? Probably.

I don't want to become an emotionless monster though... But, I'm not the protagonist here in this world who will always be able to look at the positive.'

She wiped her tears and looked around the house. As soon as she found the bathroom, she let out all of what she had eaten in the morning. It felt disgusting. She herself felt disgusting.

'I'm a monster. I had many other options and I chose this one. Why? To test myself.

Then again, the man also had bad luck. He saw me using Matatabi's power. He saw me save Shisui. He just had the worst luck of it all. *Sigh* I should go dig up his grave.'

She enters the bloody room again but runs up to the bathroom yet again. After what seemed like hours, she was finally done. Although she had become a bloody mess.

'Ugh. Kakashi will be able to smell the blood from me miles away. Even taking a bath isn't helping. What should I do? Damn him and his dog like nose. Then again, I'm pretty sure that most Jonin could tell I've killed someone since the smell is pretty strong. I need to do something about this. And quick.'

Veronica threw on the dress she had brought with her and burned her previous clothes. She also ventilated the whole house and made food that smelled A LOT. Some of the smell did go away eventually.

'I'll go buy some flowers and stuff that could help with this house. As for myself... Why don't I try those natural skincare routines Lily did? I'm pretty sure I could get most of what was needed.

Plus, she looked so relaxed while doing it too.'

Veronica stretched a bit and got to work. Going to the Yamanaka's to buy some flowers. Thankfully, only Ino was there and not her mother as Veronica was pretty sure that her mother was a kunoichi and if she did run into her then it would've caused problems that Veronica did not want to handle. Running back, she planted the flowers outside the house. Since it was in a forest like area the part just outside the house was covered with dirt and grass. She guessed that the man must have buried some of his victims there since there were some old blood stains and the stench of corpses was quite strong there.

'I think that would cover most of the smell. Although a seasoned shinobi would be able to guess what happened here easily.'

Veronica went back to her apartment after locking down the man's house.

Sighing tiredly, she didn't bother to eat. She wasn't hungry. She was just tired.

'I killed someone. Just so I can test myself. Just so I'll be prepared to kill again when I'm on a mission. Just so that I...

Would be strong enough in this world.'

Tears sprung from her eyes once again. She wiped them off, just like before.

*"Are you ok?"

Always the same question.

"I'm fine."

Always the same lie.*