Another one [Part-22]

Soon enough, he was finished.

Knocking Shisui out actually didn't take that much effort since he was still recovering, both mentally and physically.

'Wow, Shisui actually did eat. I'm kind of surprised. I would've thought that he wouldn't do anything and maybe even just starve to death since he did commit suicide. Not only that, I doubt he feels safe at all. I mean, which shinobi would eat random food without it being checked for poison? Then again...

He did try to commit suicide. Maybe he just took a gamble on life. No. He probably did that.'

A 'tch' sound was made from her, as she asked Tobirama to teleport the two of them to the 'stolen' house.

Her expression remained cold even after she undid the 'possess' jutsu. The two inside her mind didn't try to talk to her as they knew it would be worthless right now. Even though they couldn't tell what she was thinking about or what she was feeling right now, they knew that Veronica would talk to them if it was important.

They BELIEVED that.

*Sometimes, we don't show what we feel.

Because we know there is no one to heal.*

Sighing, she took some deep breaths as she looked around the place. Everything was just as she had left it. The scent of blood was less thickening and soon enough the place wouldn't smell anymore. The plants she had planted helped a lot more than she first thought.

'I think that most of the smell would be gone by the time he wakes up.

I'll stock up the fridge and get rid of the useless stuff here when I come back later. The man's clothes should fit Shisui. Even if they won't, he'll just have to make-do with them because I don't have enough money to buy so much stuff.'

"*Sigh* So tired..."-Veronica

Veronica coughed a bit and held her throat from the pain before mentally sighing again and getting back to work.

'I also have to make sure some shinobi see me around because some one might still be keeping there eye on me.

I'll have to be careful while heading back too.'

[You should rest before doing anything right now. Your techniques use a lot more chakra than you think.]-Matatabi

Matatabi's voice sounded urgent and Veronica once again noticed how she was running on Matatabi's chakra.

'Yea, it would be questionable if I run around on such low chakra. Especially since they don't know about you.'

Veronica created a shadow clone and the work was done in an hour. She placed the useless furniture and some other stuff, in the backyard. She would get rid of it all on a later date.

Heading back towards her apartment, she came across Itachi.



Veronica was about to turn away yet it seems that fate had other plans. Itachi and Veronica both looked at each at the same time.

And it was far from pleasant this time.

Itachi was trying to assess the girl before him. Her chakra was depleted and he was surprised to find her standing. She looked a bit wobbly and extremely tired but even chunin have a hard to walk properly with such low chakra.

Meanwhile, Veronica was doing the same. Her calculative eyes knowing that right now, it would be better to just pass out and not be suspicious especially since the Uchiha seemed very stressed and might make a rash decision. She noticed his tear stained cheeks and the activated mangekyou.

She didn't need to know anything else.

The dreaded day had come.

'I really am such a disappointment... I couldn't do anything even when I knew everything...

If only... ***************************************************************************************************************... Why...? Why ******************************?'

Her feet slowly lost their strength as she slowly walked up to the boy. Her emotions, that were running wild, once again in her control.

'Matatabi, stop supplying me with your chakra.'


Veronica's chakra was depleting at a very fast rate.

'Is he seriously just going to keep watching and not help me out?'

Seconds turned into minutes and it was clear that Veronica would faint at any moment of time. Frustrated, she walked up to him.

"Catch me."-Veronica

She lost consciousness after feeling an unfamiliar warmth wrap around her.

[Time skip~]

Waking up in a hospital room is not the best way for anyone to start their day.

'Matatabi, do you know what happened?'