Graduation arrives! [Part-31]

She had her lunch on the roof top with Shikamaru and Choji. She always made extra so Choji was happy to take some of hers. It had become a habit to make some more for Veronica by now.

"Your lunch is always so delicious."-Choji

It was a peaceful conversation with Shikamaru adding in his thoughts sometimes.

Well, maybe it would be for Veronica as well if Matatabi and Tobirama weren't discussing about her dead blood relatives in this life.

[The last host didn't know much about his family. Just their techniques. He had a pretty normal childhood for a jinchuuriki. Although the way he died was pathetic. I think it's been around 3 years since his death?]-Matatabi

Yugito nii had Matatabi sealed in them for 3 years. This was news to Veronica. She decided to try and remember this. Her instinct was screaming at her that it would be helpful in the future.

[I think I had heard some rumors or so about their being a few people who were able to use similar techniques as Veronica does. I didn't pay much attention to them back then because of the ongoing wars.

But there was one that particularly stuck out.]-Tobirama

By now, Matatabi and Veronica, both had their attention on the man.

[I don't remember it well but I think it may have been about a person called, 'Lily'? She had been quite famous at the time. People would praise her for having amazing healing and nursing abilities. Some merchants would say things about her 'clothing sense'. I had met some travelers who had even said to have personally been helped by that woman.

Apparently, she had killed some bandits for them.]-Tobirama

Her breathing stopped for a moment. She quickly composed herself as she let whatever Tobirama had said sink in.

It was a shock to all of them after they realized just who that woman could possibly be.

'Let's talk about this later.'

*You were unsure which pain is worse-- The shock of what happened or the ache of what never will.*

The three children decided to head back to class soon after. Being the first ones to come back, they chatted with each other and Shikamaru even had a match of Shogi with Veronica. It was a surprise to his two friends seeing him carry the heavy box with him all the time, when he wasn't even willing to get up sometimes.

Shikamaru smirked seeing her frown in frustration, and was about to reply when all the students came flooding in.

As usual the crowd behaved like no one had ever taught them manners.

"What a drag..."-Shikamaru

Shikamaru nodded and the two glared at the herd of sheep- I mean, students. Although it did seem more like staring than glaring.

Choji sweat dropped as he knew that his friends were trying to glare but one of them was too lazy and the other, he thought, just couldn't even glare at people even if she wanted to.

Veronica felt the small spike in Matatabi's chakra inside and knew that she was trying to talk to her.

[Why do you hang out with these two so often? You play around with the other kids but...]-Matatabi

She waited for her reply. She didn't need to finish her sentence to make the question clear.

'It's simple really. If I were to do something suspicious... No, if I were to be found suspicious by anyone in power later on... Then only Shikamaru would be sent to question me.

I'm talking about after we become Genin of course. I couldn't be taken to the interrogation department because of obvious reasons so, I would be handed to someone who can easily get information out of me without me being... Suspicious and well, hurt.'

*Trust is earned. Respect is given. And loyalty is demonstrated. Betrayal of any of those is to lose all three.*

She was not a good person. She never will be a good person. She knew that this was already betraying their trust. But she still chose this.

She swore she could feel Matatabi smirk at her response.

[You're already forming plans for the future?]-Matatabi

It sounded like a sarcastic question. As if telling Veronica she was really foolish.

'Of course not, me being here itself has changed a lot of things. The future will probably be drastically changed as well. But there are somethings we could right now that could help us out in the future.

Well there's that, and the fact that we ABSOLUTELY avoid Obito. Even now.'

[Do you really think that he would do something to you without you being of interest to him?] -Matatabi

It was like the previous emotions she felt from Matatabi had completely vanished in a second. It was a bit terrifying, but it also made her realize just how much Matatabi and she herself were so similar to each other.

'Yes. No matter how much I hide it, anyone can see that I'm quite smart. If I slip up and... say or do something 'not normal' then I'll be suspicious. He isn't like the teenage Obito. Right now, he's 'Madara Uchiha'.'

Her face still didn't show a single emotion of what she was really feeling.

[You should kill him while he still doesn't have Shisui's eye.]-Matatabi