The team [Part-35]

Soon enough, they had reached the training grounds. It still looked the same as usual. It was a public ground and not one privately for chunin and higher level ninja. The bare field which had some grass growing here and there. There was some equipment laying around too which was probably left by some of the older ninja who had no use for it anymore.

She saw how some students were having lunch but paid them no mind. If she thought too much about food then she would have gotten hungry. And clearly, their teacher had no plans to arrange food for them.

"We'll be doing some spars now. First, Ohta and Tanaka. The winner will fight Veronica."-Ura

This made all three of them frown. Although Veronica frowned for a different reason.

If he wanted to test their strength, not just physically, then he would've had them fight with him. And usually the last fight would be among the strongest of the people so that could mean that he somehow knew that Veronica hadn't tried her absolute best in the academy. However, that was a mere theory and he may have just been trying to mess with her mind. But the question arises as to why he would do so.

"But sensei, what about lunch? We've just come back from a tiring run and didn't get no time to rest."-Tanaka

That was a point Veronica whole-heartedly agreed with. Even Tobirama never had her skip her meals. Food was important. And although at times in your ninja carrier you would have to skip out on food many times, it didn't mean that you could ever skip it willingly.

"We'll be having that after the spars. It'll be my treat."-Ura

He gave them a small smile before, clapping his hands and asking them to get in position. Veronica couldn't get what he was after for doing this. Clearly, teams like these were special but she didn't get why they had to be treated like some machines.

'Maybe this is what the ANBU has become.'

[It would make sense then why Naruto was always so... tired looking at the beginning of 'Boruto'. He probably was cleaning up after all of this mess. And the war...]-Matatabi


The fight began between the two boys, as she and her sensei watched them from a safe distance.

'This man... He really might be a psycho.'

"So, what do you think of them?"-Ura

His face was showing some amusement as he looked at the two boys. It was only shown for a moment before he had put on a blank face. It was easy to read through his though. His mouth still twitched a bit and his eyes were so focused on how the boys were hurting each other and not how they attacked or how they moved.

Veronica glanced at him. She had made sure that her expression was completely innocent and nothing gave away what she was thinking. These kinds of people were dangerous.

She didn't want to talk to this man about fights and ninja. Even staying close to him right now was enough to make her puke in disgust.

'He's enjoying two children practically going to kill each other? And now he's trying to assess me... I really did had the worst luck with getting a team. It would've been better if I had been stuck with team 7. At least I wouldn't have to deal with this psycho.'

She stopped her rambling when she heard a slight chuckle beside her.

"So, the comment about you being mute got to you, huh? Don't worry, I'll give them a talking to."-Ura

"But that's not what I'm asking. What do you think of their strengths? How competent do you think they are? How do you think they will do on missions?"-Ura

Ura's gaze on her was like watching his prey for their every move. She had never felt anyone looking at her like that in this life. Nobody had ever been so open when they had been trying to observe her like she was some kind of weapon or tool. It had almost made her want to grab her kunai and stab him right then and there.

*Twinkle Twinkle little star, I want to hit you with a car.*

'It seems that I'll be getting special treatment even in this ANBU training. Amazing.'

[That sounds very sarcasti-]-Matatabi

'It is.'

[You are the most mature and well-rounded kunoichi of all the ones that graduated this year. Not only that, a lot of the clan heads have good opinions of you so the Hokage decided to... have someone keep an eye on you. Although he clearly didn't check who this man really was.]-Tobirama

His tone was disappointing when he spoke the last line. Just how far had Hiruzen fallen for him to be so open about it?

'Oh. Well, makes sense, I guess. It's not exactly what I was expecting but it is quite close to it.'

She decided to give an answer Sakura might have given. An analytical answer that will only make Veronica seem like one who usually only relies on logic. Someone who is sensible, as Iruka had said.

Tanaka, for an orphan he's doing amazing. He has great flexibility. Usually this trait is seen only in girls, so this could prove to be an advantage for him. Not only that, his grip is very strong. And his stamina is better than most of the Genin I've seen.

Ohta, he has a lot of control over his bugs and uses them as his main weapon, from what I can see in this fight. He doesn't have much strength but you can't tell what he's thinking so he's much harder to read.>

Ura read over what she had written. She wasn't a prodigy. She was more of a Nara, if she were to be classified. But instead of just strategies, she studied every situation she was in. She thought ahead and didn't make assumptions based off of baseless facts.

Smirking, he knew what he'd saying to the Hokage about this year's ANBU G. team.

*Throw you off a tree so high. I hope you break your neck and die.*