The team [Part-37]

She focused on all of her senses and reading her opponents. She knew better than to underestimate these two. Although she might be stronger than them, they were still quite smart and cunning. They could make a simple slip into an opportunity.

'They'll probably come at me independently first and once they see that's not working, they'll come at me together. Well, that is if they enough stamina.

I still wonder why they weren't involved with canon.'

She could feel her chakra flowing freely as she quickly scanned the battlefield.

Seeing Ohta's bugs coming up to her, she used a small fire jutsu at them, aiming it to the Aburame so he would be burned a bit as well. They were quite small so she didn't want to be caught up with them.

The attack was successful. Biting his lip to avoid any sound, he fell back a bit to analyze his opponent. Veronica could've avoided the other boy and go after him but she stayed put. She wanted to fight them at their full power but right now, since it wasn't possible she at least wanted to see what all they could do.

Tanaka rushed in just after Ohta fell back, and the two were caught in a taijutsu match. He tried to punch her in the stomach but since he was a bit slow than before, she used that chance to side kick him in his left leg. His attack didn't connect that well and he lost his balance.

Jumping back from the two, Veronica made hand signs for her next attack. They couldn't tell what she was going to do since she never announced her attacks and the signs were too fast for them to tell what the attack was. Well, even if she wanted to, she couldn't announce her attacks.

'Wind release: Air bullets.'

Shooting two towards the boys, she noticed how Ohta completely moved to the side while Tanaka was only able to side step a bit, resulting in it hitting his shoulder.

Tanaka jumped back and created hand signs for a jutsu. His hands were shaking quite a bit and he knew that Veronica knew that. The two boys could tell that she was going easy on them. Tanaka was quite calm about the fact while Ohta had many unknown emotions about her.

"Fire release bullet: 'Blaze'!!!"-Tanaka

'Water release bullet: Orca.'

The two jutsu clashed with each other eventually cancelling out. Veronica could do any type of jutsu however since her chakra nature was water, she was naturally better at water type jutsu. Tanaka however, had two chakra natures, fire and earth. It was quite an odd combination to some people but it was also quite deadly.

'Damn. I'm low on chakra. I probably shouldn't have created that shadow clone to check on Shisui. Plus, with the ghost jutsu-

No. This is no time for excuses.

But how does he know that technique? I got help from Tobirama-san. But... He only has a normal foster grandparent, right? Unless he was lying that is.

Looks like we'll have to do a bit of research about this one.'

Veronica took two shuriken in her hands and threw them at his feet with precision. She didn't injure him and threw them as a warning. A warning that she had won this match. However, she could only frown when she saw that the two of them weren't going to give up.

'What is up with people and not giving up? In a real battle they would've been dead. However, if they had given up then they could get stronger and beat the sh*t out of their enemies at a different time.'

[Maybe it's because they have too much pride.]-Matatabi

'People really are dumb.'

Looking towards Ura, she saw how he had no intention of stopping this fight and the boy was going to continue no matter what. The Aburame was also standing up and was probably going to fight till she knocked him out.

'*Sigh* That f***ing psycho.'

"You win."- Veronica

*Being underestimated is one of the biggest competitive advantages you can have. Embrace it.*

She said this and went to sit by a tree to finally relax her sore muscles. At first the exercises did almost nothing to her but now after these fights, she wasn't sure if her current training regime was good enough.

'Damn, I'm gonna be feeling this tomorrow.

Plus, I've got to deal with low chakra levels now. Hopefully I don't have to do anything which would make me spend my chakra anymore.'

Rubbing her arms, she let out another long sigh. She understood just why Shikamaru was always so tired.

Ura finally moved and created two shadow clones to patch up his students. He passed her some water which she gratefully took.

'He still didn't interfere when he knows that those two could've gotten seriously injured by my attacks. I hope he rots away in a ditch. F***ing psycho.'

[Calm down.]-Tobirama

'I am calm.'

[We all know you're far from calm.]-Matatabi

A/n: This author here updated very early for you all~! You guys better be grateful ok?!!! *aggressively chokes the narrator because I can't choke my readers*

Narrator: Help-

A/n: Oh right, I updated the character information chapter again! I added stuff about Tanaka.