Break [Part-58]

Karasu was quick to dispel herself. She could already feel some shinobi in the civilian market glancing at her and the clones, and she couldn't risk being in Konoha any longer. Her job was done and if the original couldn't handle of their memories together then so be it. It was better than being arrested and having the whole shinobi population of Konoha increase the village security and make it even harder for her to sneak in next time.

Veronica took in Karasu's memories as she continued on her way. She had only managed to reach a small town just outside of Konoha in the past few days, and would need to rely on Matatabi's chakra to completely get off Konoha's radar for a while.

She had barely been able to escape. If it weren't for the fact that most of the shinobi of Konoha were dealing with ROOT that day, then she likely would've been caught by the sensor team of the village.

Her wounds had quickly healed however, she was still running on Matatabi's chakra. Her own chakra was taking longer than usual to fill up. Perhaps it had been due to the fact that Matatabi's chakra hadn't been used by Veronica like that ever before. She could feel her chakra pathways still burn from the chakra and the adrenaline. Her eyes hadn't been used like that ever since she'd activated her dojutsu.

Sighing, she noticed the slightly more violent nature of Matatabi's chakra.

[Hurry it up.]-Matatabi

'Why are you nervous?'

Although Veronica still picked up the pace and rushed forward faster. She had to take routes going from the forest to not be seen by the civilians. She already had many cuts, being healed by Matatabi, and kept on getting more. She couldn't be bothered to think that she was behaving poorly as a ninja by being cut by some trees. Although she was disappointed in herself for not even being able to do this much, seeing how she was raised in the hidden leaf village which has a lot of forests.

She arrived at her first stop, the land of waves. Forcing herself to stay alert and apply a genjutsu on herself, before she tried to find a suitable place to stay for the night. Eventually, she had to settle for someone's home who was away on some merchant business. She didn't feel to comfortable sleeping in a strangers house but these were desperate times.

Besides, she had absolutely no money on her right now to stay in some hotel.

[I'll stay alert for tonight, so don't worry about your safety.]-Matatabi

Nodding, she slept on a large blue couch. She didn't feel like walking up to one of the bedrooms nor did she feel like changing her clothes as the moment. She knew she would probably be disgusted with herself tomorrow morning but she needed sleep right now.

--- --- --- --- ---

[Wake up~! This isn't funny anymore Veronica. I've been calling your name for over an hour now. Wake up!!!]-Matatabi

Matatabi hadn't sounded so frustrated since Veronica had been captured by those no name thugs and disgraceful ninja. Veronica usually woke up with just one call of her name yet here she was, still sleeping even after Matatabi had forcefully taken over her body and had her drop to the ground.

[Is that Kaneki?!!!]-Matatabi



Sighing, at Matatabi's antics a fond smile lit her face. She didn't know what would be of her if Matatabi weren't there with her. Now that she thought about it, she would've gone insane a long time ago if it weren't for Matatabi.

She was immediately disgusted with herself afterwards though. She had actually slept in her bloody and muddy clothes and her hair looked so unkept that it almost looked like Kakashi's hair. Huffing in annoyance, she got up to freshen herself and find some clothes.

Putting on the genjutsu on herself again, she leisurely walked around the area. She wasn't in much of a rush as she was before, already having run past Konoha's security and sensory range. Although it would be best to get going before Kakashi was able to sniff out her presence and drag her back home, with Naruto and the rest of the rookie 9 behind him.

'I'll probably be declared a missing nin, by the council, soon if they can't confirm I'm dead or just too injured to come back. Hmm, decisions, decisions~'

Her mood seemed to be much brighter than it had been for years now. Matatabi said nothing as she just observed her hosts cold and merciless chakra. Sometimes, Matatabi felt as though Veronica really might have gone crazy a long time ago.

'We'll be going to Suna first.'

That was a surprise. Matatabi guessed it meant that she was going to stay hidden for a while longer and complete some work before letting herself be found.

[It would be safer to stay low and stay in the land of sea for a while.]-Matatabi

But Matatabi didn't think that now is a good time to start to run around.

'It would but, we haven't been that connected to the events of this world as a whole yet. We need to find out how much has changed from the original Naruto.

Minato being alive in itself is already a divergence from the original 'plot'. There might be other things that might be different from what we know of them as. For instance, there was the existence of 'Saki', which we had found to be a spy for someone who clearly knew the future events like us. That person will fall in to our trap but we don't know how much they have affected yet.'

*Before you embark on a journey to get revenge, dig two graves.*