Decisions [Part-61]

Nita saw Konoha for the first time. The village had stayed up well considering all it had been through.

'That ******* ***** better be grateful I'm doing this instead of having him do it.'

His blue eyes glowed as he activated his dojutsu. It was as he had expected. There was someone other than him who had been reincarnated in this world. Someone who had dared to ruin his plans. Someone who had been stupid enough to challenge him.

'She can't even sense me sitting on her roof.'

He snorted at that. This little girl probably couldn't even be a ninja. She wasn't a sensor, and by the information he'd gathered she had only helped the 'main characters' every now and then. She was probably just a small kid with big ideals just like Naruto.

Thinking that everything in this world was cherries and blossoms.

'How troublesome...'

He moved in her house as he broke the protection seals easily.


Makino's eyes widened as she remembered what Veronica had told her about the man in front of her. Her precious Veronica had repeatedly made her understand what he would want.

"Oh? You know about me? That's a surprise. I'm not known by many people. So then why don't you tell me what you know?"-Nita

Makino shivered involuntarily as she reached for anything which could be used as a weapon to defend against the guy in front of her. Veronica had said to tell him everything she knew but, she didn't even have the strength to speak anymore.

--- --- --- --- ---

[That guy fainted because of your precious rabbit. Are you sure Naruto's dumbness didn't rub off on you?]-Matatabi

She would've gotten angry at Matatabi but she just silently sat down in front of the fire. She guessed that Karasu probably managed to keep the children from seeing the horrible sight of her rabbit devouring a human corpse since she could sense the children's chakra being quite peaceful, although they were still a bit scared and cautious.

'Smells disgusting.'

Deciding to not say anything to the children for now, she quietly decided to lay down on the ground. She wanted to rest but the smell and disgusting feeling for herself kept herself from sleeping. Her heart was filled with many emotions. Unfortunately, feeling safe and secure was not one of them.

The rabbit would clean it's mess up for her. Hopefully he doesn't decide to eat any of the normal people. That would be another guilt she did not want to carry.

She heard some little footsteps behind her. They were awfully close to her, considering how the older had probably managed to figure out that she was the one to kill all the ninja. He was either incredibly stupid, or too smart.

Frowning a bit at this weird situation, she turned around to face the two. The older one fell back a bit at the sudden action from her. The little one seemed to be asleep in his arms. She wondered just what exactly the boy wanted from her. She could clearly see he was terrified of her yet still he was trying to be courageous and approach her. Perhaps she was just stupid.


She wondered just why she was being affected so much when someone, a child, was terrified of her. She hadn't felt anything when a whole village had almost hated her, for hanging out with Naruto.

Biting her cheek to help her focus on the pain rather than her oncoming thoughts. She heard a quiet whisper.

"I- I..."

She patiently waited for the boy to finish. She had a lot of time till she moved with her plans.

Honestly, she'd rather be decoding the ROOT seals right about now than waiting for a little boy to finish what he was saying. The whole seal was a jumbled mess, that she still didn't get how it managed to work and not blow up, and Tobirama had outright cursed at Danzo for being so stupid. She'd never seen the man cursing before then.

Snapping out of her thoughts, she realized that she hadn't heard what the child said.

'Oops. Matatabi, go.'

Veronica would never admit that she had completely let down her guard for a second because she was too focused on her thoughts.

[If you do that again I will f****** bijuu bomb you to where the sage's brother was staying.

And he was saying that he needs you to train him in some basic ninja stuff.]-Matatabi

Matatabi's chakra leaked a bit from Veronica's body because of her annoyance.

She looked at the boy, questioning if he had really just asked her that. She was sure that even Naruto or Kiba were smarter than him. She sighed for a bit before she once again faced him.

Veronica's question made him break the eye contact he had bravely held.

"I can... I have some of Uzu- Uzushio's techniques."

He seemed very pained and reluctant to say that so she had to guess that he knew he was in danger because of his ability and was expecting to be used by her, or something similar.

She glanced at the child once more. If she was honest, then having not just one, but two children with her would make it quite hard for her to move around. Not only that, the children were clearly trying to run away from something or someone. Which could make her a target as well of whoever they were running away from as well.

Of course, she could just leave them. She could even send a shadow clone to keep an eye on them if she didn't want her guilt to eat her up later.


He wasn't stupid. He could tell that she could end them both if she wanted to. He could feel she still had a lot of chakra left in her.

So he decided to play his shot.

*It doesn't matter what cards you have in your life. What matters is how well you play them.*


A/n: Hello everyone, what do you all think of the recent developments with Veronica? And whatever things are happening with Nita and Makino? I don't know if I like where this might be headed but I can't decide just yet so I was hoping for your input.

If some of you do not remember who Makino is then she was mentioned in one of the chapters. She had killed her best friend and Veronica had decided to manipulate her into some scheme.