Souls [Part-74]

"I resent you."-???

Veronica stood in front of the cage, her hands tightening around her kunai as she stared at the being in front of her. Looking up at the sky which her mind had created and she opened her mouth to finally speak to the thing.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry for being happy for so long. I'm sorry for being selfish."-Veronica

Veronica knew that she did not deserve to be happy.

The only thing she had managed to do was to keep herself alive and nothing more. She had left her family to grieve for her when she had thought to protect them and never let them cry again. She had left the two children who had believed in her and trusted her with their lives. She had killed people who would have likely changed if she gave them a chance and way to do so.

What had she even done?

Her intentions had always been good but, did that matter when she had killed mercilessly and let the people who she cared for be hurt?

All she had ever accomplished was being a killer.

The one thing which she, and Lily, detested was who she was.

"Why do you apologize when you have to kill me?"-???

Veronica raised her hand, her eyes slightly watering.

"Because... That is all I can do for you."-Veronica

The cage disappeared and the woman laughed at the audacity of the child before her before looking down at the reflection of another child at Veronica's feet.

"Look, it's another you."-???

Her hand had dropped back to it's original position.

"Why did you force those memories on me?"-Veronica

The woman laughed again, this time it was empty and forced. Veronica's eyes looked down at her disappearing form.

"This world's fate was far from what I desired. Hamura was unsatisfied as well. So, we changed it. After all, if your home has a problem you fix it."-???

The woman paused slightly before smiling.

"You figured out how to make me leave your body. I did not think it would happen so soon.

Do not challenge death. Heed this warning. You are nothing but a child and you have much to learn of it, even if you may be it's beloved child."-???

Veronica said nothing and watched her disappear quietly. Her mindscape cleared once neither the woman nor her chains were present.

"What now?"-Matatabi

"We challenge fate and death."-Veronica

She turned towards the giant two tailed cat and looked at her with, what Matatabi could only call 'Resolve' even though she knew it was nothing more than Veronica trying to 'repent' and let her family have a better future.

"You're talking as though we have not already been doing that."-Matatabi


Matatabi closed her eyes and sat down, both of them letting Orochimaru to be the one to initiate contact.

Veronica also took this time to realize how much she needed to improve. She had been caught by Orochimaru rather easily, even if she managed to kill Kabuto and injure the snake sanin slightly. She had to focus on various areas of her fighting skills.

Her chakra control for one had gotten better but it could be more refined. Her control on her chakra slipped the more her thoughts and emotions went out of control. She was much better than before considering how she could almost completely hide her chakra and not leave traces of it but, she needed control of it when she was at her worst as well.

Humming a soft tune, she noticed the pull she was waiting for in her consciousness.

She opened her eyes, her dojutsu already activated and her muscles tense and prepared for anything.

"Looks like sleeping beauty FINALLY woke up!"-Suigetsu

Veronica ignored Suigetsu in favor of looking at Orochimaru's notes. Even if he was crazy and conducted inhumane experiments, he still had done amazing research. She never had a chance to see Tobirama's notes but she heard it all from him and the ones on the table beside her were exactly how she had pictured them to be.

Orochimaru looked quite amused at her studying his research in front of him when he could kill her any second.

--- --- --- --- ---

Naruto paused in his work of making a seal when he felt Kurama speak to him. The fox was currently supposed to be sleeping, as far as he was aware.

Still, he responded to him like he did usually and tried to make his seal at the same time, and hopefully not blow up the training grounds like he did last time. Sakura was not amused when he said it was an accident, neither was Pakkun as it was one of the few places where he liked to nap.

"We have a problem, Kakashi-sensei!"-Naruto

Not looking up from his book, which he had read more than 100 times by now, Kakashi asked him if he had done something.

"It's not me this time, you know!!! Apparently, this Orochi guy is supposed to be joining the chunin exams this year with his sound village?

What the heck is a sound village?"-Naruto

Naruto's face had a frown, which was not uncommon ever since the 'situation' at Takigakure, as he likely communicated with the Kyuubi. Kakashi put his book in his pocket and gathered his thoughts before putting his hand on Naruto's shoulder and shunshin-ing them both to the Hokage's office.

Minato told his son to keep quiet about this matter for now and asked him to ask Kurama where he had gotten this information from.

"Oh, he got it from Mata- the Nibi."-Naruto

Minato nodded and motioned for Kakashi to let Naruto continue with whatever he was doing before and make sure he did not say this to anyone else.

Suddenly, Veronica came to Minato's mind and he couldn't help but sigh from exhaustion.

Summoning a toad, he passed on a note to him and asked him to deliver it to Jiraiya immediately. The toad nodded and disappeared in a cloud of smoke and Minato decided to make some changes in the chunin exams which would be held.

Last year's chunin exams had been canceled because of Minato once again taking the hat and the village's ninja ranks recovering from Danzo's ROOT. Kumogakure had issues with their tailed beast so they had supported the idea as well, and no matter how well they cover it up everyone knew that the Nibi was missing especially Konohagakure. Sunagakure had also supported the decision for reasons unknown but Minato suspected it was likely due to their Kage mysteriously disappearing.

He groaned slightly when he thought of Suna. Apparently, Gaara who Minato himself had fixed the seal of had been inspired by Naruto would likely be the Kage by next year or the one after that. Currently, there had been no news from Suna about their Kage, or even from a temporary Kage. He supposed there should be no issues considering they were functioning normally but he couldn't help but be worried.

"Hokage-sama, we have... A situation. A shinobi claiming to be from Otogakure has arrived and asks to speak with you as a representative of the village."-Raidou

Minato frowned slightly but still nodded and told Raidou to quietly escort the man to his office while being friendly. To him, it was wiser to remain as fake friends than to be mortal enemies.

--- --- --- --- ---

"What do you mean you will hunt down a mere girl and stop with your plans?!"-Zetsu

Nita's eyes met with Obito's and the man sighed before explaining the situation to the sentient plant.

The plant quietened down at the explanation but Obito could tell he was furious. He was likely angry at himself for missing such a large thing and Nita rolled his eyes at the atmosphere turning, 'dark and gloomy', and went off to continue to track Veronica.