Chapter 3: Dinner

"So how was your head, sister?" asked Natasha.

'I know quite well that you did this,'

"It's already fine so there's no need for you to worry," I said while taking a bite from the steak. "Is it really?" she pressed another question which made me irritated of her.

'Can't you understand the word 'fine'?'

"As I said I'm fine-"

"I saw a lot of blood from it when I saw you on the scene," she inserted which made me glare at her and she smirked which immediately turn to those expressions where she would look like the victim. "I was concerned about your well-being sister, there's no need for you to look at me like that," she said. Really, if you would look at this situation, you would think of me as the villain and her as the victim. In the past, I would always take it all as if it were my fault even if it was hers.

"Louise, there's no need for you to glare at your sister," said father.

'I see, you would always protect her from things that might destroy your reputation and let me handle all the humiliation,'

"Why?" I asked, uninterestedly and I already predicted that he's surprised by my choice of new words. Usually, I would just reply 'sorry' and 'yes, father' but that would be boring and besides, I've changed. "I already said that I'm fine but she still insisted on asking, I thought that she's a genius, according to you...but could it be actually that she's..." I put down my utensils and seriously looked at them and inwardly smirked to myself, "...dumb," I tried my best to hide my laughter and it succeeded.

"WHAT?!" Natasha slammed the table which shocked them, but except me and my father of course. The two of us are not dumb to not predict this action coming from her. She gets angry, easily which makes it to my advantage, though in the past I would always control myself to not provoke her since I was the 'good' and 'understanding' sister starting today, I'll change that.

"Natasha," said my father in his authoritative voice which Natasha quickly understood. "Sorry," she apologized before sitting back again.

'Woah, she has more guts than I thought'

I always thought that if people would get humiliated like this they would immediately walkout. That's how I was before, after I get humiliated in front of many people I would always walk out first and hear their laughs at the hallways and there was no one who comforted me after my grandparents died.

"Come to think of it, it's Lousieanna's death anniversary tomorrow," said my grandfather in order to change and lighten the atmosphere. "What are your plans for tomorrow Eve?" asked grandma but I didn't answer and continued eating.

"Sorry to ask..." I looked at Natasha who was speaking, "...who's Lousieanna?" at the time where she asked us that question I burst my mind only of course. Now's not the time to humiliate her again, the first's enough.

"Ehem," coughed grandfather while grandma continued eating while I looked to see father and noticed his already white knuckles and his veins almost popping from his head. I think he's embarrassed in the place of Natasha.

'Talk about second-hand embarrassment,'

"Shut your mouth up," I heard father mumble to Natasha which was also embarrassed.

'It's time,'

I acted shock, "Oh, you didn't know? the Lousieanna who you just asked right now is my late mother...oh wait, she's also your mother," I smirked which lead her to lower her head more. I know my grandparents will be mad at me but I don't care right now which I regret doing.

"Louise, your sister didn't know," said father.

"I only know her by the name 'Anna' and not Lousieanna," said Natasha.

"Oh," I acted as if I was interested. "It's not her fault for not knowing your mother's full name since she was always out of the house meeting with her boyfriend," he emphasized the word 'boyfriend'. I got mad.

"OH! Really father? Is mother not that loyal to you?" reacted Natasha, which I was sure they did together to provoke me. "Sadly, daughter, no. She was always out and would come back at 10 pm and would leave you and your sister in the care of your nannies," replied father which gave fuel to my anger.

"How old were we when mother often leave the house?" Natasha smirked while eyeing me and father immediately replied, "you were only months old and your sister was still 2 years old at that time."

"We were really young back then, why was mother so incapable of taking care of her daughters? Why did she commit adultery instead?" asked Natasha as if my mother were here to answer her question. No, as if she expected that I would protect mother from their insults. This is a trap. They cornered me at the edge of the cliff only a push is left to finish me off.

"I also don't know, maybe my love isn't enough for her so she chose to find someone else to satisfy her needs since I had worked myself to provide for this family," he said as if he was in the right and my mother was in the wrong.

"I feel sorry for you father,"

"Thank you daughter," replied father as if they were contented with what they just did. I would just tolerate it if I was the only one present but to think that they would do it in the presence of my grandparents. I was about to talk back and state the facts that I knew but grandma beat me to it.

"Stop it! You don't know my daughter more than I do," she walked out and I was shocked by her sudden outburst. Not long after I noticed that the atmosphere changed so I decided to follow my grandma to where she went. Others might not know where she went to but I know where, in my mother's room.

I knocked on the door three times and a faint voice said for me to come in. There I saw my grandma hugging all my mother's remaining things and when she saw me her eyes were full of tears and some of it streamed on her face and the sight of it made my heart ache a bit. So I walked towards her and hugged her.

"Shh Shh, it's alright," I comforted her and she immediately wiped off her tears and confronted me. "What your father said about your mother, I want you to know that all of it was not true," she desperately said.

"I know grandma, I know,"

"It was my fault to agree to their marriage, if I had seen this coming I should've permitted her to marry someone else," when I hear those words it made me even angrier.

'Remember father, I will make you pay for all your sins,'