Chapter 61

When we got close, it turned out that the island was stunning with so much green. It wasn't very big and didn't have high mountains, except that from time to time, your gaze fell on low green hills. The vegetation was dense and mainly consisted of tall shrubs. I thought it would be nice if they had fruit on them.

  I was excited about the island instead of the men, who seemed just relieved that we would finally land.

They would rest from the hard work of the ship and sleep where they so desperately needed it. The hours they slept in shifts were shorter than an average person living on land.

They also would have fun by hunting. The men enjoy it. Yes, I know that innocent animals were sacrificed for their entertainment, but that was what survival is all about. We needed fresh food anyway, so they combined finding food with fun.

And from what my ears caught saying, they were planning to go to town for… women of loose morals.