Chapter 62, part 2

As soon as they left, we took the baskets with the dirty clothes, and we got off the boat too.

Jimena led us to a small lake with running water.

We found a convenient place and immediately started working.

With two extra hands, we finished the laundry quite quickly, and we sat on some large stones to rest as we waited for the clothes we had spread on the surrounding low bushes to dry.

We talked cheerfully, and now and then, our laughter tore through the air.

The time passed, and the clothes dried. We picked them up and returned to the ship.

When the men returned, I was speechless about how much prey they had managed to kill. Two deer, three wild boars, a few hares, several ducks, and a… turkey?!

Jimena was thrilled to see all this prey and looking at her pensive look, I was sure she was already thinking of ways to cook them.

"Is that a turkey?" Jimena asked in a while, pointing at the killed bird.