
Vincent's cold steel eyes locked with mine, my throat went dry and I could feel my heart beating rapidly against my ribcage almost as if it's gonna pop out of my chest. The fear that his gaze erupted inside me was uncontrollable, his hands held my shoulders hard and shoved me against the wall.

I gasped in pain as my back hit the wall, he grabbed my shoulders and pushed me back. I gulped hard and glanced at him. His veins popped out, his jaw clenched, he looked extremely angry. Looking at him, my body began to shiver in terror. His aura was extremely dangerous and intimidating, it screamed at people around him to bow down to him into submission.

"How dare you!" He gritted his teeth while gripping my shoulders hard. I hissed in pain while tears rushed to my eyes.

"I told you to stay away from that room…" he said, glaring at me,

"Vin-Vincent," I stuttered while gulping and shivering under his intense gaze,

"Shut up!" he yelled in my face, shutting me up.

"Don't speak until I tell you to," He snarled, I gulped hard and nodded my head. His hot breath hit my face, I didn't dare to look at his face and tried my best to not meet his eyes.

"This house runs by my rules, Break them and I'm gonna make you pay for it!" he threatened, his fingers drugged into my skin. Tears rolled down my eyes, I couldn't control the pain he was inflicting on me.