
Chapter Two: Unwanted Thoughts

Aerie is beautiful in a classic, timeless way. Her long hair is black and glossy. Her eyes are obsidian framed by dark lashes, and her lips are full and red.

I'm already simmering with jealousy as she extends a hand to me in greeting.

"It's a pleasure to finally meet you, Cora," she says, her voice deep velvet.

I stare at the manicured hand for a moment before reluctantly shaking her hand. Her black nails flash under the lights.

"Yes," I say absentmindedly, "It's nice to meet the person whisking Amara off on expensive trips."

Her eyes narrow as she picks up on the venom in my voice.


I regard her coolly. With our hands still grasped in the handshake, we stare at each other, trying to figure each other out.

"Expensive," I confirm and give a strained smile, "Fancy hotels. Fine dining. Yacht trips."

She raises a fine and arched brow, casting an unsure look towards Amara, who looked at our exchange with concern.

"Well, I suppose?" she replies hesitantly.

Removing my hand from Aerie's I sit back down, sitting primly.

I knew I was acting like a brat, but I couldn't help myself. Years of jealousy and resentment towards Aerie were beginning to bubble beneath the surface. My composure had already slipped within the first few seconds of meeting her.

Amara coughed. A strange silence had fallen between us all, and I could tell she was uncomfortable.

"Wine," she states, aiming to fix the situation with her usual cheerfulness, "I'll pop open the bottle Aerie got you, Cora."

I bristled at the mention of Aerie's kind gesture, not wanting to be reminded. She flitted to the kitchen, babbling to fill the strained silence between Aerie and me.

She sat opposite me, cross-legged and stern. Feeling her eyes burn in my direction, I glance at her. Her eyes are cold now, lacking the warmth they had had previously. Seems we're on the same page.

"Cora helped me unpack and drove me all the way here," Amara said, and I fell back into the moment, "I'm so glad we're all together. My two best friends in the same room."

I didn't react. My gaze was locked with Aerie's, a silent war brewing between us.

"Is that right?" Aerie smiled, looking to Amara, "It's the least she could do."

I felt the blow and set my mug down with a loud thud.

"And what's that supposed to mean?" I quipped, leaning forward.

Aerie turned her smile to me, and it wasn't a pleasant smile.

"Since you don't normally help her with anything else unless it's dirt cheap," she clarifies, "You don't do anything with her, and you're never available. Why else haven't we met before?"

My skin flushes hot with rage. My eyes burn.

"I don't have the money to throw at niceties," I ground out, "I don't need to spend money to be a good friend."

Aerie cocked her head to the side, her smile turning dark.

"A logical excuse if you were available. Instead, Amara can hardly get a text back."

Amara threw a panicked look between us.

"Because I'm working three jobs just to get by, and I'm too time-poor to be available at all times."

Aerie smirked.

"Sounds like a 'you' problem."

Amara set the wine down, her previous cheerfulness now non-existent. I knew it was time to stop the useless bickering, but I couldn't help myself.

"Ah, because I wasn't born with a silver spoon in my mouth, of course. You probably don't even know what hard work is. Throwing money at people isn't the same as making friendships, and it's superficial."

My sarcastic tone cut into the room like a wailing omen, ugly and juvenile. Amara sighed.

"I think you should go."

I stare at Aerie, waiting, but when I look back at Amara she's looking at me expectantly.

"I'm telling you to leave," she states, putting the wine away, "So go."

My mouth opens to argue. Why should I leave? I'm her friend. I've been her friend longer than Aerie has.

"Why should I?"

She gazes at me steadily before shaking her head.

"Because I'm embarrassed by your behaviour. I want you to go, now."

Gathering my pride I stand, yank my jacket off the hook and leave. I do it so quickly that the door slams loudly behind me. At least now I know where I stand. Aerie is the golden friend on the pedestal, while I'm the dirt-cheap friend who's never around.

I feel tears prick my eyes as I climb hurriedly into my truck. My phone starts ringing, Amara's name flashing on the screen, and I decline the call, driving off and making my way towards my own new place.

The original plan was to get Amara's place cleaned up, sleepover, and then sort my place out tomorrow. However, now I'll have to make do and tough it out. I don't even have bedding.

My phone rings again, and I throw my phone onto the back seat. I don't want to talk to Amara right now. I feel like she chose Aerie over me, and it sucks. It keeps ringing, winding my nerves tighter each time it rang.

Aerie's face swarms my mind, smug as if she had won.

"Fucking bitch," I hiss to myself, "Uptight, smug little bitch!"

I'm livid. I'm fully aware I was rude to begin with, but Aerie took that and then came at me hard. She chose to be particularly biting.

I park up but can't bring myself to leave the car. My phone still rings annoyingly, but I don't have the mental strength to turn it off. I let it ring, and when it finally goes quiet, I begin to leave the car.

My new house isn't lovely. It's old and unloved, vines crawling up the brickwork and weeds overflowing the front garden. I grab the terracotta pot I was meant to give Amara and make my way into my new home. It's pitch black and smells dusty.

I busy myself trying to make my bed, digging through boxes and bags to find things. I'm too tired for this shit.

Just as I climb into bed, I receive a text from Amara. I ignore it.