Who is she?

One month ago in New York

The sound of gunfire from the trigger of a rifle that had just been pulled by the fingers of a man with a firm jaw and equipped with perfect sculptures that makes women fascinated when they see it. A man with a well-built body that made him even more handsome, was clad in a blue shirt that had two buttons open on the top, and the sleeves were deliberately rolled up to the elbows.

With a face filled with flashes of fire emanating from the bluish net like sea water that could wash away everyone, he was focused on staring at the figure of a man who looked very pathetic on the cold floor of the dungeon. The sound of the gun exploding 3 times, managed to make blood flow from the lifeless body.

Meanwhile, several bodyguards around the man who is none other than Axel Alcatraz, the potential successor of his grandfather who became the head of the mafia in New York, just stared at the actions of their boss who never tolerated a betrayal.

It was as if they were currently holding their breath, so as not to be heard by their boss who had intervened on his own to clean up a spy who had followed in the mafia group he led.

Until the baritone voice of their boss caught their ears and made an answer escape their mouths.

"Quickly throw the corpse of this traitor into the tiger cage that is behind."

"Okay, Boss."

Without wasting time, the subordinates had already lifted the bloodied body out of the stuffy and rather dark room which even had a lot of dust and made people breathless when in there.

The man, who was none other than Axel Alcatraz, re-entered the Dessert Eagle Mark XIX rifle, which is a favorite of Counter Strike players, because it can kill someone in one shot. However, he always feels satisfied if he shoots 3 times. Because he wanted to destroy the bodies of the traitors who dared to mess with him.

Axel Alcatraz walked through the dark dungeon towards the exit and stopped for a moment when he was outside the stuffy room. Because his sense of hearing caught the sound of a smart phone in his black trousers pocket.

Without wasting time, the fingers with the sturdy books already shifted the screen of his cellphone.

"Yes, Dad. What's wrong?"

"Tomorrow, we will go to Indonesia to review the location of the hotel we are going to build."

"Okay, Dad."

The phone connection has been disconnected, making Axel stare at his latest black Android phone. His index finger had already searched the search engine with the keyword Jakarta Indonesia.

Because he wanted to find out about the country where his father came from, in order to make him understand the ins and outs of the country he last visited when he was 15 years old when he visited one of his parents' best friends who lived in Jakarta.

His thick net was now focused on staring at the cellphone screen which explained about a country he had not visited in a long time.

"Indonesia. Will I be able to find her? Even her words still ringing in my ear."

Axel's sense of hearing caught the roar of his pet tiger which he could tell had enjoyed his lunch menu. Namely, the corpse of a traitor who infiltrated his palace to try to find his weakness. So that he can't be the successor of his grandfather who wants to hand over all his illicit business to him.

However, before that, his father, who will add his business in Indonesia, ordered him to help oversee the hotel development plan which will include a luxury restaurant, fitness center, club', spa facilities, to a library room with a row of books from various countries and Finally, there is a special room for playing the piano.



The atmosphere at Soekarno Hatta International Airport was full of several prospective passengers who looked patiently waiting for the flight. Meanwhile, at the arrivals terminal, you can see the figures of two men's from different generations, but look very handsome with a typical Indonesian face, namely Arman. Meanwhile, his son, who has a half-faced face from his wife, who is originally from New York.

Axel Alcatraz has perfect handsomeness which is a combination of the handsome faces of his daddy and mommy and can make women who look at him immediately fascinated when he looks at him. So it is not easy for him to bring all the women he wants to the bed.

However, he never wears heart when spending long nights with women who are infatuated with him. Because of his cold heart, he had never been touched by a single woman who had been satisfying his desires.

Axel took off his sunglasses and surveyed the scene in front of him. "Shall we go straight to Daddy's best friend's company? Or the hotel first?"

Arman glanced at his son and began to respond, "No, we're not going there. Because Daddy wants to see someone first." He grabbed his cell phone and immediately called someone. As soon as the line was connected, he began to make his baritone voice.

"Hello, where are you? I've arrived in Jakarta."

"Arman, welcome to Jakarta. Come to Santi boutique. I'm helping someone choose a wedding dress."


Arman hung up the phone and put it in his trouser pocket, "Let's go to the boutique first." He patted his beloved son's firm shoulder and told him to walk.

Axel just shook his head at his father's behavior, which he knew had a past with the woman he had just contacted. "If grandfather knows what daddy did to his daughter, maybe this time the life will just fly from daddy's body."

Arman just chuckled in response to the sarcastic sentence from his son, "Daddy can't mess around in front of the successor to the mafia leader. Don't worry, Boy."

Without responding to his father's words, Axel got into the car and sat next to the man who was seen leaning on the back of the car seat while occasionally massaging his temples. Until the baritone voice of the man he loved so much broke the silence in the luxurious car with the beautiful interior.

"Oh yeah, Boy. Daddy forgot to tell you."

"What, Dad?"

"Yesterday, daddy Roy said that the architect of the hotel we are going to build is a young woman. Don't let you mess with Indonesian girls. Because here it's not in New York. Girls in Indonesia really adhere to eastern customs. That is, they always keep her chastity in the man who will become her husband. So, daddy ordered, don't seduce her or fuck that woman, okay!"

The evil grin that emanated from the face with a firm jaw and perfectly sculpted, was able to melt the hearts of women who saw it. Then Axel pointed at his face, "Daddy see this? Even without me flirting, all the women gave their bodies to me. If the architect gave himself to me, there was no way I could refuse him, right?"

"Gosh, this trait of yours...." Arman didn't continue his words because he had been cut off by his son.

"This trait of mine is Daddy's trait when he was young. So, don't ever blame a child who inherits the nature of his parents," Axel said with a smirk.

There was no answer from Arman, because he also confirmed everything his son said. Finally he just kept quiet and was busy massaging his dizzy head due to the exhausting effects of traveling in the air for more than 20 hours.

Thirty minutes later, their car had turned into the boutique area. Without wasting any time, Axel got out of the car as soon as the engine died. Followed by his father who had walked towards him.

"What is Mommy Laila like now?" asked Axel who smiled at his daddy.

"We'll see," said Arman who had pushed open the glass door in front of him and stepped into the boutique. Turning his gaze to look in all directions, looking for the whereabouts of the person he was looking for. Until the voice of a boutique employee who approached him.

"With Mr Arman?" said the female employee who briefly smiled at the handsome man next to her.


"Mrs. Laila is waiting for you inside. Come with me."


Axel followed his daddy by looking around the room with many clothes hanging neatly. Until the moment he was in a special room, which contained a variety of wedding dresses, made him frown.

Until the voice of a woman who just came out of the dressing room, made his turn his gaze to the woman who was currently wearing a wedding dress.

"Incredible, that woman is very beautiful. Who is she?"

To be continue...