This can't happen

Zelyn is currently really very surprised by the words of the man who has put a red apple on her head. Even her bones seemed to go limp as soon as she knew what Axel was going to do.

"This man is really psycho, I don't want to die silly here. I'd better get out of here quickly. However, what if she cancels the hotel building plans? I don't have the money to cover the losses incurred by the company. Zelyn thought... thinking, looking for ideas that will be able to thwart the crazy plans of this bastard Axel," Zelyn muttered, who was currently racking her brain to find a way out of the problems she was facing.

Axel, who had wanted to laugh at the fear felt by the woman in front of him, only restrained himself so as not to make the corners of him lips lift up. So he who had finished putting the apple on Zelyn's head, turned around to take the gun that was on the table.

However, he first took 1 apple that was in a plastic bag and put it on the sofa. Then he stepped further away.

"Look at this, sweetie. So you don't doubt my abilities."

Axel had pointed his gun at the apples on the sofa. Right now, he was focusing on the target and as soon as he felt his position was right, his index finger pulled the trigger and the bullet shot straight into the apple.

Meanwhile, Zelyn, who had been focused on staring at the figure of a man who she thought was very handsome, was focusing on aiming, making her unable to take her eyes off of Axel's charm, which she thought was the sexiest and masculine man she had ever met. Once the bullet slid through the apple which indicated Axel's shooting ability, it really showed that he was not a random man because he was an expert at aiming.

At first he wanted to applaud, but realizing that he would be the next victim, he didn't do it.

"I almost applauded. You idiot, you will be the next victim. Maybe this is just a coincidence. What if the shot misses and hits my head? God, protect me," Zelyn muttered, who was now shaking with fear when Axel had directed gun to her head.

Axel who was feeling very happy when he hit the target, reflexively turned to Zelyn with a gun that he aimed at his head with an apple on it.

"Now you trust me, don't you? Because you won't die. If you die, won't I rot in prison? Not to mention I'll get the wrath of my daddy best friend who loves you like his own daughter. So relax!" Blinking his eyes with a smirk.

Of course Zelyn confirmed everything Axel said, but she still couldn't hide her fear. "Oh my, Mr. Axel, please stop. I am not your guinea pig. Even though you feel very confident, but this concerns the matter of my life. Please don't do this to me, Mr. Axel. Even in 1 month, I will get married, what if the bullet did it miss?"

Putting her hands together, Zelyn already displayed her signature puppy eyes that expected mercy from the man who still remained in her position. Namely, the gun pointed at her.

Axel pointed his index finger at his lips, of course to give Zelyn a code to shut his mouth. "Shut up, if you don't want your head to explode with bullets from this gun."

Zelyn's reflex immediately closed her mouth and eyes, because she didn't want to see the bullet hurtling towards her. Suddenly an idea popped into her head, to stop the madness of the man she hated so much.

"Fainted, only this idea can save me," whispered Zelyn who was ready to make her body stagger to the side.

After counting one to three, Zelyn immediately staggered to the left and was already lying on the cold floor. Of course she really directed all here abilities so that her acting would not be suspected by Axel. While chanting a prayer in her heart, Zelyn was still waiting for what Axel would do when she fainted.

Axel wasn't surprised at all when he saw Zelyn fainted. He simply put his gun back on the table and walked over to the woman who was already lying on the floor.

"Weak women," said Axel who had bent down to scoop the slender body into his arms and carry him to the bed. Leaning Zelyn's body there and observing intensely the perfect sculpture in front of him.

"Unfortunately, my lover can only be released once. It should be 4 times, but because he fainted, everything failed. You cowardly woman."

Axel was silent for a while, because right now he was focusing on the face of Zelyn who was currently closing his eyes. What attracted him the most were sensual lips with nude lipstick that seemed soft, but very seductive.

"I know that you're just pretending to be unconscious to avoid my shot. Alright, we'll change the game," Axel thought with a smirk.

Meanwhile, Zelyn, who was still pretending to be unconscious, wondered what Axel was currently doing.

"What is that Axel doing, huh? Why can't he be heard leaving here to call for help? It's fun to say failed release, that's ridiculous. I feel like hitting his head with a big hammer. Calm down Zelyn. For now, you're safe. you just sleep," Zelyn whispered with an uncertain feeling.

Axel, who is still intensely staring at Zelyn's lips, is now directing his index finger to touch the part that is a temptation for the adams. His finger traced every corner of Zelyn's lips in a circular motion.

"These lips are very tempting, must taste very sweet."

Zelyn could feel the touch of Axel's finger which was still busy playing with her lips. Even her body is now like being electrocuted, because of the effect of that touch. At this moment, her body instantly stiffened and her heart skipped a beat.

"Geez, what's he doing. He's so rude, I want to slap him in the face right now. Did he say that, tempting? What a perverted man. Don't let him kiss me, because I want to give Ardhan my first kiss on our first night. No, this can't be happening. Why have problems never disappeared from my life? Over time, I really died young because of stress," Zelyn thought.

Meanwhile, Axel is now lowering his head to get closer to the sensual lips that seem to be calling him to take a sip and play around there.
