Who's he?

When Zelyn covered the marks from Axel's actions on the back of her hand with tape, her cell phone rang and she hurriedly opened her bag to see who was calling her. Until a smile appeared on her face when she saw who was calling. Wasting no time, her index finger slid the green button up and heard the baritone voice of the man who would be her husband in a month.

"Hi darling."

"Are you satisfied with being alone with your best friend. Come on down! I'm already in the parking lot. Now it's my turn to want to be alone with my future wife. I'm waiting, Honey."

"Yes, Boss."

A wide smile appeared on Zelyn's face when she hung up the phone. Then she turned to her best friend who was also watching her. "I'm going home first, Yes. The boss has given his order, he'll be jealous if I prefer to be alone with you. I'll go first, okay!" Zelyn got up from the sofa and kissed Yessy.

Yessy, who honestly felt very jealous of her best friend's romance with the man she secretly liked, pretended to smile and patted Zelyn's shoulder. "Greetings to Ardhan. Actually it's not polite for him to just wait downstairs. It's as if he doesn't know me at all, even though he's also my best friend."

Zelyn felt very bad when she heard the words of disappointment from her best friend. "I'm sorry, Yes. I should have told him to go upstairs. Next time this won't happen again, you just take it easy. Please just understand him, because Ardhan has been very busy lately."

Yessy is still acting normal, even though she doesn't justify Zelyn's words. However, she could only let out a tone of protest in her heart.

"Very busy? However, he is not busy at all when he is alone with you. As for greeting me which takes only a few minutes, he is busy. I can't wait any longer, it seems I have to separate you guys," Yessy thought inside heart.

"Never mind, I was just joking earlier. So, don't take it seriously. I understand, Ardhan has been very busy lately. Say hello to him," said Yessy who had escorted Zelyn to the front door of her apartment.

Zelyn was finally able to breathe a sigh of relief when she saw the response from Yessy who was already smiling at her. "Yeah, I'll tell you later. Thank you for listening to my story about that crazy man and also sorry for always bothering you, my friend."

Yessy patted Zelyn's arm hard and chuckled, "You're stupid. Go away!" Directing her hand to push Zelyn's slender body to leave immediately.

Zelyn also laughed and waved her hand as she walked further away from her friend. Until she arrived at the elevator, she immediately went inside and turned around to see Yessy's silhouette, which was no longer visible when the iron box door was closed.

A few moments later, the elevator opened and she covered her mouth when she saw the figure of a handsome man who was already in front of her.

"Honey, were you waiting in front of the elevator earlier? Why didn't you go straight up to meet Yessy all? I really feel bad for her, because you seem to stay away from her after we started and were getting married."

The figure of a man with a tall, sturdy body and athletic body, supported by a sweet face, looks very friendly when always smiling, has directed his hand to hold the wrist of the woman he has loved for one year.

"Come on, I'm hungry. We'll talk about that in the car." Ardhan was already walking while holding Zelyn's hand.

Honestly, he felt uncomfortable when Zelyn always talked about Yessy, because he knew that the friend of his future wife liked him. Because as an adult man who has experience in dealing with women, he can see it from Yessy's gaze when he looks at her.

A look full of admiration which gradually became a feeling of love and he could not accept, because he had fallen in love at first sight when he saw Zelyn when he was introduced by Yessy. He felt very happy when he found out that Zelyn was a pure and pure adult woman, because she had never been in a relationship with anyone.

In fact, he still clearly remembers the first time he confessed his love. Not a joy or joy like the women who feel touched when he expresses love. However, an answer that really surprised him. Even those words still ring clearly in his ears to this day.

I will not date, if only self-destruct. Because dating will only make the woman suffer losses. Namely, pregnant out of wedlock. And I don't want that to happen to me. I am a dignified woman and would never allow anyone to touch or kiss me.

Ardhan and Zelyn got into the car, they were seen sitting side by side in the front seat. After Zelyn fastened her seat belt, Ardhan drove the car out of the apartment. Of course heading to a restaurant which is her favorite place with the woman who had been busy looking to the left side to see passing vehicles passing by.

"Honey, you seem quieter today. You seem to have a lot on your mind."

Zelyn, who had been thinking about her trip to Bali the day after tomorrow with Axel, made her nervous. And the baritone voice of the man who was glancing over at her made her turn her head. So she wanted to ask Ardhan for advice on her work.

"Honey, I'm really having a lot on my mind about my trip to Bali the day after tomorrow with that guy from New York."

Ardhan is still focused on looking ahead, because he is focused on driving. However, he caught a glimpse of the sour expression on Zelyn's face. "What's wrong with that person?"

Zelyn exhaled roughly, as if revealing the heavy burden she was carrying. "Wait, I was told to find a woman to sleep with while in Bali. That's crazy, man. I really hate working with a man like that." Zelyn shuddered in horror as she repeatedly shrugged her shoulders.

Ardhan just chuckled when he saw the facial expression that looked like someone who felt very disgusted. "I did hear a little about the man's work, honey. Father and son were both Casanovas. Both broken, but that's a natural thing abroad."

"So don't worry too much about them. You just focus on work. As for the woman he wants to sleep with, I'll take care of it."

To be honest, Zelyn felt very disappointed when she heard Ardhan's answer. Because really, that wasn't the kind of answer she wanted to hear. However, a prohibition, for her to resign from her job. However, quite the opposite. So she couldn't tell about what Axel did when she pointed the gun at her head.

"Okay, I'm not going to bother with this. I'll just pretend she's an inanimate object, so I don't throw up when I'm next to her. However, speaking of the woman who will be the man's bed companion. Do you know the ladies of the night?"

"Not a night woman, dear. However, she does accept bookings from wealthy men specifically to satisfy needs in bed. Because she doesn't accept just anyone, only cool and conglomerate men are accepted. Because she is very beautiful and sexy. I'm sure the man immediately fell in love with her," said Ardhan, who began to explain about the woman he knew.

Zelyn glared at Ardhan and felt very suspicious of the man next to her. "You seem to know that woman very well. Who is she? Have you also used her services?" Zelyn rebuked with a sharp look.
