very confused

Zelyn clenched her fists when she felt very angry at Axel's reckless actions. Without intending to reply to a message from the man she hated so much, Zelyn put her cell phone back into her bag.

Ardhan who could see the sour facial expression of his lover, tightly gripped the palm of the hand that was on the table. "Why, honey? Don't frown like that, you'll get old quickly." Wiping the back of the hand that is still covered in plaster.

Zelyn, who was still pursed her lips, only looked annoyed at Ardhan. "Tell that friend of yours to come to the airport tomorrow at 08.00 WIB. Because that bastard pushed his schedule to Bali. I'm really upset today and want to eat very spicy food. Order me the spiciest level, Honey. My body by emitting toxins."

Ardhan just chuckled amused at Zelyn's behavior who looked very annoyed. Moreover, seeing the sour facial expression with pursed lips, actually made him very excited and wanted to kiss him. However, he had to hold back until he married Zelyn in two months.

"Okay, I'll do whatever you want, honey." Ardhan immediately said his order to the restaurant waiter who had just arrived. He ordered a seafood menu and seblak for his lover. As for the drink, he chose avocado juice and a mocha float.

Then he took out his cellphone to call the woman who would be sleeping with the man who was going to Bali with his lover.

"I'll ask him first if she's booked or not, honey."

Zelyn was about to nod her head, but the sound of her cell phone ringing. So she immediately took her flat object and checked who contacted her. As soon as she knew who was calling, her reflex made her eyes widen.

"Why is that bastard calling? What a fool I am, to not understand what he means. To the extent that he wants to make sure."

Because she was lazy to pick up the call, Zelyn didn't intend to pick up the call at all and just put it on the table.

Ardhan, who had started to call his friend, waited for a while until his call got an answer. However, he was very disturbed by the sound of Zelyn's cellphone ringing which also rang.

"Honey, just pick up the phone. Who knows it might be important. Don't make that mistake again." Gives a code to pick up the call, because he also wants to talk to the woman on the other side who has already picked up the call.

Finally Zelyn obeyed Ardhan's orders and started to get up from the chair to talk a little further away. Because she didn't want to disturb Ardhan who was talking to a naughty woman. With her index finger already scrolling the green button up, Zelyn waited for Axel's voice.

However, she immediately flinched when she heard gunshots from her cellphone.

"Good grief."

Zelyn held her heart which was beating very fast.

"Looks like you want your fate to be the same as this red apple, Arzelyn Selena!"

Zelyn was still silent for normalizing her nervousness, until the baritone voice was heard again.

"Why did you read my message, but didn't reply to it? Is that what you've been doing all this time? Doing things on your own, regardless of ethics."

Zelyn squeezed the dress she was wearing until it was wrinkled and couldn't help it, she had to let out a voice.

"Sorry, Mr. Axel. I had a stomach ache after eating the highest level of seblak. So, when I was about to reply to your message, I suddenly felt sick to my stomach. Is there anything else you need, Mr. Axel? you later."

"Cancel it, suddenly I don't want women anymore."

Zelyn's eyes immediately widened when she heard Axel made a unilateral decision to cancel the plan.

"Geez, this man is always like a forehead to cancel everything. I really want to smack his head," Zelyn muttered to herself.

"Very well, Mr. Axel. I will let the lady know that you are not in need of her services. Is there anything else I need to do?"

"Nothing, I just wanted to tell you, don't be late. One second you are late, the stakes are your heads!"

When Zelyn wanted to respond to Axel's words, the phone line was immediately cut off and it made her stomp her right foot in anger. "Gosh, what his mother really wanted when she was pregnant with that damn man. Why is there such an annoying man in this world."

"Why is my life so cheap in front of him now, to lightly say that my head is at stake."

Zelyn turned around and walked towards Ardhan who had thanked the waiters. She roughly landed her body there.

Ardhan raised his eyebrows when he saw Zelyn's face sour again. "Looks like that guy has pissed you off again, honey. What's up this time? Tell me."

Zelyn observed the relaxed expression of her future husband. "Honey, do you love me or not?"

"Gosh, what kind of silly question is that, honey? Yes, love. That's why I proposed to you and wanted to make you my wife," replied Ardhan who repeatedly shook his head.

"If you love, why don't you ever be jealous of me when I'm going with a guy to Bali. Sometimes I have doubts about you. You're too easygoing to be a person. Have you always been like this?" asked Zelyn who was currently staring intensely at Ardhan's sweet face.

Ardhan did not immediately answer the protest tone of his lover, because he was busy laughing. The question that he thought was very ridiculous managed to make him even more angry at Zelyn.

"Honey... Honey, you're just like a high school kid going through puberty. So, you've been thinking that way about me all this time?"

Zelyn who felt increasingly annoyed, smiled wryly when laughed at by Ardhan. "You're so annoying, honey. I'm serious, even laughed at."

Not wanting to make his girlfriend angry with him for long, Ardhan finally spoke to Zelyn to explain what he had been feeling. However, before that, he grabbed Zelyn's palm that was on the table and gripped it tightly.

"That's because I trust you more than I believe in myself, honey. I believe you will never betray me. That's why I never feel jealous. To me, you are the only pure and pure woman who really cares for your self-respect and honor. Shouldn't I be grateful by trusting you completely?" Ardhan still didn't let go of his hand and was busy rubbing the back of Zelyn's hand.

Feeling touched by Ardhan's explanation, it made Zelyn teary eyed. "I feel very happy after hearing your explanation today, dear. Thank you for trusting me."

"Even when everyone accuses you, I will never believe it, honey. Because you have proven everything by always keeping your loyalty. Never mind, let's not talk about this anymore. We'd better eat and get rid of the toxins in your body like you said just now." Ardhan brought the fairly large bowl in front of Zelyn.

Zelyn's reflex immediately sparkled when she saw her favorite food. "You're right, honey. Have a good meal," said Zelyn who had taken a spoon and fork.

Then she was about to put a spoon into her mouth, but as soon as she remembered something, she revealed it to Ardhan. "Honey, cancel your negotiations with that bad woman. Because Axel didn't use her services."

Ardhan patted his forehead and because he had no choice, he finally sent a message to his friend to cancel the booking. However, just as he put down his cell phone, his cell phone rang. Because lazy to answer the call, made him not pick up.

"Looks like he's going to finish me off for suddenly canceling a negotiated deal," Ardhan muttered to himself.

Seeing Ardhan not answering the call, Zelyn immediately took the cellphone and picked up the call by sliding the green button up. She didn't say a word at all, because she wanted to hear the voice of the woman who was a college friend of her future husband.

"You really are an asshole, Ardhan. You can't cancel like this like this. I've already canceled plans with other people. You have to be responsible by giving me compensation money. If you don't have one, you can replace it with your power on the bed."

Zelyn's reflex immediately disconnected the phone and glared at Ardhan who looked very confused.
