Execution will take place in Bali

Currently, Zelyn was sitting next to the man who had been busy playing with his cellphone. I don't know what Axel saw, Zelyn was not at all interested in finding out. Because she is currently busy sending messages to Ardhan who never contacted her. Feeling that her lover is too indifferent to her with the reason to trust her so much, makes Zelyn feel doubtful.

Sometimes she wanted Ardhan to feel jealous of her, if she was around other men like this. Moreover, the man next to her is really very charming if you pay more attention to it. Although she didn't deny the million charms of Axel, it didn't make her feel attracted to such a playboy at all.

Her slender fingers are now typing each letter on her cellphone to form a sentence that expresses a complaint that she feels.

Honey, you're busy, huh? Why didn't you ask how I was flying to Bali today? You're not with a wild woman, are you?

After pressing the send button, Zelyn put her cellphone into the bag that was placed in the middle as a barrier between herself and Axel.

Then she turned her gaze to the left of the car door and thought about a lot. However, the voice from the cell phone of the man next to her, made her turn her head out of curiosity by the screams of a pained groan from someone who seemed to have been tortured.

Axel, who had been receiving news from his grandfather about the enemy who had been caught, asked for a video which was an execution from the mafia leader who was none other than his own grandfather. He deliberately turned up the speaker so that he could more clearly hear the moaning voice of the traitor before his death.

It was as if the sound of the groaning pain was a song that managed to comfort his loneliness and boredom for several days living in Jakarta.

Zelyn, who shuddered in horror when she heard the sound of the pain groaning, reflexively shifted her seat to the man who was focused on staring at the cellphone and she looked to find out. As soon as she saw the figure of the man in the chair with his hands tied, her face covered and the sound of a gunshot, reflex made her cover her mouth with wide eyes.

Cold sweat started to wet her palms as she was in complete shock by what she had just seen. Her body shuddered in horror and her mouth felt nauseous at the sight of blood gushing from the stomach of the man who was probably nearing her deathbed.

With a position away from Axel due to the effect of fear, Zelyn looked in the opposite direction to see a passing vehicle. She tried to shake off her fear as she imagined the horrific scene she had just seen.

"Jeez, Axel is really really crazy. That's a real bullet and that guy might be dead soon. Who exactly is this crazy guy? have to keep an attitude in front of him, because maybe he won't hesitate to blow my head off with his girlfriend who he always calls releasing," Zelyn muttered in her heart.

Axel, who completely ignored Zelyn, was still focused on watching the execution video. Until the sound of gunshot after shot that echoed was very memorized. If he always ended the life of the traitors three times. Namely, shots that started in the stomach, heart and head. Then threw the corpse to be eaten by his pet tiger.

Meanwhile, the grandfather always shoots ten shots with the excuse that he wants to channel his hobby of shooting and considers the enemy as a target. As he saw it this time, he could see the old man was aiming precisely to destroy his target.

As soon as he finished, he glanced at the woman who was looking away from him. "Don't be a woman who is ruled by curiosity. Because your curiosity will destroy your life!"

His threatening baritone voice managed to remind him of what he had just seen. So that he who failed to forget the bad incident, reflexively turned to Axel with a slight bow.

"Sorry, Mr. Axel. Next time will never happen."

"Good. If you break it, bear the consequences yourself!" Axel put in his cellphone and observed the atmosphere outside the car which showed a wide road with crowded vehicles crawling.

Meanwhile, Zelyn, who was getting more and more frightened, swallowed her saliva several times to normalize her feelings. She cursed her stupidity for daring to look at Axel's cell phone.

"You idiot! Don't let you repeat it again, Zelyn. You might be the next victim," Zelyn muttered with an uncertain feeling.

Silence fell between Axel and Zelyn. Dominate in the car heading towards the airport. A few minutes later, the car had turned towards the airport area. As soon as the car stopped, Axel put on his sunglasses that had been on his shirt. Then get off and wait until the driver takes out his suitcase.

Zelyn did the same thing after getting out of the car and she immediately pushed her suitcase as she walked into the airport after thanking the driver who worked for her boss.

However, when she had only walked a few steps, she was very surprised when someone suddenly bumped into her.

"Good grief!" Staring at the tall man wearing a white shirt with her sleeves rolled up to her middle elbow, she looked down at the phone, crashing into it. "Master, if you are walking, have a look! Don't let your careless actions harm others!"

The man who was also shocked when he bumped into the beautiful woman who looked very annoyed at him, reflexively bowed to apologize. "I'm sorry, Miss. Because earlier I was focused on replying to messages from my parents."

Feeling a little rude to speak, Zelyn finally understood and tried to suppress a smile. "Yes, sir. If you want to reply to a message, you'd better stop for a moment. Don't walk without looking at the road."

"I'll keep that in mind, Miss. I'm sorry again." He stretched out his hand and waited for a response from the woman in front of him.

"This woman is really very beautiful and graceful. Too bad she missed it. Yessy told me to pretend to make love to her after giving her sleeping pills when at the hotel. However, when she saw the real like this, it's better to just enjoy it. Only stupid men refuse to sleep with a woman as beautiful as this nymph."

Zelyn put her palms together, giving a code of not responding to the outstretched hand from the man who had been hanging her hand in the air.

"Sorry, sir. I have to leave immediately because my boss is waiting for me." Pointing at Axel, who seemed so unconcerned from just observing her interactions with the man in front of her.

Axel, who briefly glanced at the man he memorized so well, smiled with a smirk and spoke softly, "Looks like the execution will be carried out in Bali."
