
Axel looked at Zelyn's face when he didn't understand the woman's last sentence. With a frown and the position of his hands supporting his chin, he still didn't blink at Zelyn. "What do you mean, Zelyn? Is that a love slave?"

At first Zelyn stared intently at the handsome face of the man next to her, but then she felt that Axel looked very charming when posing like a photo model because she was crossing her legs and her left hand under her chin. It made her fail to focus when she felt like she was looking at the most beautiful creatures of God.

"Shit, why am I mesmerized when I look at him? Remember Zelyn, he is a mafia who has no feelings. Don't be fooled by his handsome face and sweet demeanor full of pretense because all of that is just fake," Zelyn thought, who was busy waking herself up so she wouldn't enter. in the trap of an Axel Alcatraz.

Zelyn turned her face to look in any direction and cleared her throat for a moment. In addition to dispelling her nervousness, she pauses so that her voice doesn't sound like someone's nervous when she stares at Axel.

"The love slave is someone who really loves his partner and no one else can take his place because it is engraved in his heart. Not only that, all people affected by this syndrome will never even be attracted to the opposite sex because for him, only one person the most perfect being in this world."

Zelyn's long explanation, which was clearly visible, was expressing the woman's feelings, only Axel responded by laughing out loud. It is a silliness that he thinks is very unreasonable. As soon as he finished laughing, he mocked Zelyn and gave a hint that the woman's fate was on the line.

For a moment he looked at the watch on his left wrist and had ten more minutes to speak before the plane landed and kept him busy at the police station for killing three terrorists.

"Slaves of love only apply to stupid people who ultimately choose to cheat when they feel bored with their partners. However, that's an exception for my parents. Because their love is so great and my father has sacrificed a lot to make mother the last woman in his life."

Axel glanced briefly at Zelyn's facial expression which showed a sullen face when he heard her explanation. He deliberately paused to let Zelyn speak his mind. However, he was wrong because the woman did not want to say anything at all.

In fact, Zelyn really wanted to refute Axel's words, who only thought the things in her mind were always right and didn't agree with the truths revealed by other people. However, she realized that it would only be a waste of time and energy. So she just chose to swear in her heart.

"What an annoying bastard. So he thinks only his father has perfect love and thinks other people will cheat behind their partner's back. Gosh, talking to this damn man is really testing my patience. Be patient Zelyn, just take what she says just the wind."

"I know you're cursing me in your heart, Zelyn!" sarcasm Axel who was still staring intently at the face of the woman next to him.

With a smirk, he could see that Zelyn was clearly acting awkward when he was nervous. "I can read people's minds and also a little fortune-telling. Do you want me to make fortune-telling to know your future?"

Zelyn's reflex chuckled in response to Axel's last sentence which she thought was very ridiculous. "No need, Mr. Axel. I never believe in prophecy because all my destiny is predetermined by God. Not by fortune tellers."

After expressing her refusal, she had heard a notification sound from the cabin crew saying that the plane would soon land at I Gusti Ngurah Rai International Airport.

"Looks like we're done with this talk, Mr. Axel, because as soon as we get off the plane, there will be a few policemen to greet us. Maybe you'll be a little tired from the police interrogation. So save your energy."

Ignoring the advice of the woman who was looking at him scornfully, Axel had already unbuckled his seatbelt and got up from his seat. Now, he had opened the barrier on Zelyn's seat and immediately landed next to the woman who was very surprised by his actions.

"Mr. Axel, what you have done is very dangerous for the lives of others! Please return to your place!" rebuked Zelyn who felt very annoyed seeing Axel's actions when she did what she wanted.

Meanwhile, Axel, who really wanted to prank the woman next to him, without wasting time, grabbed his palm with his curly fingers.

"I'm curious about your fate with the man you've always been proud of. So let me take a look at him for a moment!" Axel pretended to observe Zelyn's line by holding it tight enough.

Zelyn tried to release the palm of her left hand which was held firmly by Axel. However, her efforts were in vain because the man who looked very serious was observing her hand lines, unwilling to let go of his power.

"Please let go of my hand, Mr. Axel! Didn't I say I'm not interested in fortune-telling? Do fortune-tellers behave like this when someone doesn't want to be told? Forceful and self-serving."

Shaking his head, Axel was already pretending to put on a surprised face after observing Zelyn's outline. "Gosh! Why are you so bad luck, Zelyn."

By throwing her hands away, Zelyn managed to let go of Axel's grip. "What exactly do you mean, you?"

"Why do I feel bothered by the words of this jerk? It could be that he just wants to play with my feelings. I'd better ignore his words," Zelyn thought, turning to look at the handsome face next to her.

"Forget what I said earlier, Mr. Axel." Zelyn unbuckled the seatbelt after the plane had landed perfectly at the airport and the cabin crew had made an announcement.

Feeling unable to make Zelyn believe in his prediction that it will actually come true, makes Axel feel annoyed and quickly gets up from his seat to chase the woman. Not only that, he reflexively grabbed the woman's left wrist.

"Wait, Zelyn!"

Feeling very surprised by Axel's sudden action that made her crash into that broad chest, Zelyn intended to dodge and quickly walk away. However, those strong hands with sturdy fingers had already held her waist and locked her in position.

"Let go of me, Mr Axel!"

"Just five minutes!" Axel still didn't release his power from the waist of the woman who was still trying to get away from him.

"Gosh, what exactly are you doing?" Zelyn sarcasm very annoyed.

"I just want to tell you that you will never marry Ardhan. Your life will end very badly, Arzelyn Selena!" Axel let go of his hand and walked away leaving the woman who was still silent with a smirk.

Meanwhile, Zelyn was still as silent as a statue when she was shocked to hear the prophecy of the man who had left her.

"What does he really mean?" Zelyn shook her head to wake herself up and wasn't bothered by Axel's words.

"No, that bastard just wants to make me nervous like this. I can't be influenced by his ridiculous words. Damn it! I can't deny that I'm really bothered by the mob's prophecy right now."
