Stone hearted man

The Bali Police Chief, who had just spoken directly with Axel to come to the police station, turned to look at Zelyn who had just gotten off the plane. "You can come with us, Miss. Because Mr. Axel just said that you will accompany him while waiting for the team of lawyers to arrive."

Zelyn originally intended to contact a lawyer from the company as soon as the plane landed. However, when she heard the prophecy from Axel, she forgot everything. When she heard the words of the police chief, she seemed to be reminded. With a bow, Zelyn responded to the words of the police.

"Okay, I will accompany Mr. Axel while he is at the police station."

"Come on, ladies and gentlemen," said the police chief, pointing his hand in front of him. As if giving a code for the man and woman to immediately follow him.

Axel, who still looked very relaxed, started walking with long footsteps while glancing at Zelyn. It could be seen, Zelyn had been busy contacting someone. With his hands directly snatching the phone from Zelyn's hands, Axel shook his head.

"No need to call anyone, sweetie. Don't worry, everything will be fine." Axel put Zelyn's cellphone into his pants pocket without paying attention to the expression of the woman next to him.

Zelyn pointed his palm at Axel because she had to report everything to the head of the company. Actually, she hoped that his leadership would cancel the cooperation for the hotel construction project so that she could immediately return to Jakarta and be able to take care of Ardhan.

Honestly, after hearing the prophecy from the man walking next to her, Zelyn's mind could no longer focus on work and began to be haunted by the fear of losing the man she loved so much.

"Give me back my phone, Mr. Axel, please!"

Ignoring Zelyn's anger, Axel just pointed his index finger at his lips. As if giving a code for Zelyn to be quiet and quiet. Especially now that there are many police officers escorting them and of course they both look like important people.

Axel had wanted to contact his trusted person who was still in Jakarta because he had to accompany his father. However, he didn't do it when the passengers who idolized him said they would bring their respective lawyers to defend him so he wouldn't end up in the police station.

"Shut up and just play the game, Arzelyn Selena!"

Finally Zelyn obeyed the orders of the man who was staring at him very sharply. Apart from having no other choice, she also couldn't do anything because only a subordinate had to obey the orders of his superiors.

After waiting for their luggage to come out of the plane's trunk, now Axel and Zelyn had walked towards the arrivals terminal and immediately got into the police car and the vehicle drove away from the airport area. Many people who were at the airport saw the figures of men and women coming out of the airport escorted by many police and also passengers who had been faithfully waiting for the god of help.

The police car carrying Axel and Zelyn is now speeding through the crowded streets of Bali. Bali (Balinese: ᬩᬮᬶ) is a province in Indonesia whose capital city is Denpasar. Bali is also one of the islands in the Nusa Tenggara Islands. Bali Province is a leading tourism area in Indonesia. The combination of beautiful nature with an interesting and distinctive culture is a magnet for millions of foreign and domestic tourists to visit this island.

That's what makes Axel choose the city of Bali to develop his business world by utilizing the world of tourism in the city of Bali. Not only to build a hotel, he plans to set up a casino in the basement and become a haven for foreign tourists who pamper themselves in the hotel while spending their time after enjoying the beautiful view of the city of Bali.

His biggest plan is to establish a legal casino that is well-known in his country, such as Winstar World Casino, which is the number one largest casino in the world. It has a gambling area of ​​600,000 feet. For the location is in Oklahoma, US. The advantage it has is that in addition to having a large gambling venue, Winstar World Casino is also often used as a venue for performances. In addition, for guests who want to stay, a hotel is also provided.

The largest casino in the world is a casino that was built in 2003, but because it is a fairly new casino, getting the attention of VIPs in this field to win is not easy. Winstar World Casino only received attention after 10 years of existence, in 2013.

If he doesn't get permission from this country, Axel will still carry out his plan by bribing officials and also the police so as not to disrupt his new business. Therefore, he chose the location of the hotel which is far from the capital city, which is an area close to the sea area that has not been touched by humans.

Although it takes a lot of money to carry out the plan of his father who wants to build a hotel and he wants to equip it with a casino which is the king of gambling enthusiasts.

Axel smirked when he saw the busy streets of Bali and seen many foreign tourists passing by.

"Soon, this area will be in my hands," thought Axel who opened the car window and felt the wind blow in the city with a million big dreams.

Satisfied with feeling the fresh air to feel the distinctive aroma of the city which is everyone's tourist destination, Axel glanced at the woman who seemed to be staring blankly ahead.

"Zelyn, have you ever been to Bali? I mean, is this your first time coming here or is it the umpteenth time?" Axel immediately patted Zelyn's shoulder for not getting an answer. "Hello, Arzelyn Selena. What are you really thinking about?"

Zelyn's reflex, which had been feeling restless because of the thought of Ardhan's condition, pointed his left palm in front of the man who had interrupted his daydream. She didn't intend to answer Axel's question, because it didn't matter to him.

"Please predict me completely, Mr. Axel. I want to hear directly about the future. Didn't you say earlier that I would never marry Ardhan. What's the reason?"

A smirk immediately emanated from the face with a firm jaw when he felt he was a winner before the match. Axel just shook his head when expressing his refusal.

"Didn't you say you didn't believe what I said, Zelyn? Why are you asking now? I don't want to tell fortune-telling anymore, so don't dream that I'll fulfill your wish."

Axel turned his face and looked back at the passing vehicles with a broad smile.

"A very innocent and stupid woman," Axel thought, indirectly mocking the figure of the woman next to him.

When Axel felt very happy, it was far different from what Zelyn felt. At this time, Zelyn felt very annoyed when she heard the rejection from the man who always ignited the fire of her anger. By cursing in his heart, she had satisfied his anger.

"This mobster really is a very jerk and annoying. Wasn't he forcing a fortune-telling on me? Why is he refusing now when I'm begging him. Gosh, this guy really has a heart of stone. I feel like I want to strangle his neck."
