Am I a sinner?

Ignoring the blasphemy from the man who now seemed to not care about him anymore, Zelyn did the same thing. At this time, she also chose to look away and was busy staring at the passing vehicles on the highway area.

For a few minutes, there was absolutely no sound from the two of them, as if they were busy thinking about what was going on in their heads. When Axel thought that he would not save Zelyn and wanted to be a spectator to see the destruction of the woman.

Meanwhile, what was in Zelyn's mind was that everything Axel said was nonsense that made no sense and could not be accepted by reason. This makes Zelyn prefer to believe in himself and promise never to believe Axel's predictions.

"You psycho mafia and cheaters! What did he say earlier? I was having an affair with another man and Ardhan caught me having an affair? Oh my God, am I crazy!" Zelyn thought, who was already busy cursing in his heart to express his anger and annoyance.

Just as he finished shutting his mouth, the police car that took them had turned into the police station area and he could see that in the front area there were already a lot of people gathered and he knew that some of these people were passengers on the plane.

"Did they all go straight to the police station?" Zelyn turned to Axel when she heard the man's confident baritone voice.

Before Axel got out of the car, he glanced at Zelyn. "I don't need you anymore because there are many people who trust me more. You just go away! Suddenly, I'm lazy to see your very sad face. Go to the hotel and don't have to wait for me!" He waved his hand and stomped his long legs on the ground, then closed the car door without looking back at Zelyn.

His smile widened as everyone who had been waiting for him greeted him like a very respected king. He, who was still accompanied by the police on his right and left, revealed what he was currently feeling.

"Thank you everyone. You guys take it easy, I won't end up in jail for having this amazing support."

One middle-aged man walks up to the man who is considered a hero for the Indonesian nation after killing terrorists while hijacking a plane.

"Mr. Axel, all these lawyers will accompany you while you are at the police station. So, you can rest easy because the investigation process will not be burdensome and will certainly be out of the police station soon and of course you can rest at the hotel."

Axel actually felt very calm because he was used to going in and out of the police station. However, he respects everyone while struggling to defend and faithfully waits for him.

"If they knew that all of this I think is too much because I'm used to killing people. Maybe everyone will be afraid and not dare to come closer to me," Axel thought, who was currently listening to a long explanation from one of the policemen who accompanied him to the people.

"This summons is one of the efforts in the investigation phase other than arrest, detention, search and confiscation of letters. Thus, the purpose of the summons is as an effort to find evidence to make light of a crime."

"Moreover, this concerns the security issues of our country. So, please cooperate and do not do anything that grabs the attention of the public before the police finish their investigation," said the man who was none other than the police chief who intervened himself to meet a man who he knew was not ordinary man for being able to kill several terrorists who threaten the country.

Everyone had nodded their heads, a sign of understanding the lengthy explanation of the uniformed man and carrying out his orders.

"Well, as good citizens, we will follow the rules set by the government and the police station, as long as Mr. Axel is not thrown into prison. That's all we want to say!" cried one of the lawyers representing all his ten colleagues.

"Of course, everything will go according to the rules and if Mr. Axel has absolutely nothing to do with the terrorists, then it will definitely be over soon." The uniformed man had already pointed his hand towards the front, telling Axel to immediately go inside accompanied by the many lawyers.

"Okay." Axel stepped inside after previously waving at the loyal people waiting for him.

Not only that, he could see that Zelyn didn't do his bidding and was standing in the back row staring at him.

"It turns out that woman didn't leave here. You idiot!" whispered Axel who turned around and followed the footsteps of the police.

Meanwhile, Zelyn is currently looking at Axel's silhouette without blinking. Actually, she had been very angry when she heard the harsh words of expulsion from the man who had disappeared behind the walls of the police station.

However, she cannot be selfish by ignoring the clients of the company she works for. Of course it is a form of responsibility that is always a guideline for him like a message from his parents before work.

"If it wasn't for the sake of responsibility, I couldn't possibly ignore the pain in my heart because of that bastard's words. Looks like I'll have to contact Ardhan to discuss this matter."

Zelyn opened her bag and grabbed her cell phone. His intention was to talk about the prophecy that managed to make him uneasy. However, when she thought of Axel's last words saying that she would betray Ardhan with another man, she gave up.

"If I call Ardhan and talk about this, won't he end up suspecting me later? Wait... who exactly is this guy Axel is referring to? Axel didn't think that man was himself, did he? often with him?"

Feeling very frustrated, Zelyn shook her head many times because her mind was currently filled with various questions and conjectures.

"It seems that the man who knows the answer is the man himself. Maybe later, I should ask him who the man mentioned earlier was." Zelyn massaged his temples every now and then to relieve the dizziness in his head until the sound of the cellphone ringing in his hand.

When she saw who was calling, Zelyn immediately directed his hand to slide the green button up and she could hear the voice of a man who was none other than Axel. At first he thought that it was Ardhan who contacted him, but not as he expected.

"Hello, Mr Axel."

"Quickly contact your CEO and also my papa to come to Bali immediately. There is a big problem that requires both of them to come here!"

Just as Zelyn was about to open his mouth to answer, the call had been disconnected unilaterally and now she was looking at his cell phone.

"Will Mr. Axel be imprisoned for knowing the terrorists? If that's true, should I be happy because this project will be postponed? Yes ... it seems that it will be postponed and I can return to Jakarta, and marry Ardhan as planned. Am I Is it a sin to pray for that bastard to be in jail?"
