Never wrong

Zelyn just received the food she ordered from the driver and immediately entered the police station to say that his client said he was very hungry. His intention was to ask for a short break, so that Axel would have lunch first. However, when one of the policemen escorted him into the room, she was very embarrassed to see the arrogant attitude of Axel who cursed the police.

Not wanting to make the atmosphere in the room more heated with the careless attitude of Axel who he considered to have no manners towards the police, she bowed respectfully to apologize to the uniformed men in the room.

"Sorry, dear policeman. Can I ask for a moment of rest? Because our company's client hasn't eaten since this morning. Usually, hungry people will get angry easily and can't contain their emotions. Please forgive and understand what my client said this."

Still bowing his head, she hoped the police would comply with his request.

Initially, the two policemen who interrogated the foreigners they knew were not random men. They didn't expect to see the anger of a man with a handsome face standing tall while pounding the table. Of course they were still very calm and not getting emotional because they had often seen anger from people.

If the one who shouted was the suspect, maybe they would immediately get angry and also scream. However, in contrast to his current position, when the man who was still staring intently at him was the savior of the plane's passengers.

One of the policemen rose to his feet and spoke in a very calm manner. "We'll continue later, Mr. Axel. It seems true, what the lady said. Please enjoy your lunch first and rest for a while."

The two men in uniform walked away leaving Axel and the lawyers who had been standing behind the man with a face full of anger.

Axel, who had just looked back, heard the voice of Zelyn who had just defended him. The woman who was standing not far from her place was now carrying a plastic bag filled with food. Not only that, one of the lawyers spoke to him.

"You'd better eat first, Mr. Axel. We're going out so you can have lunch with this lady." Turned to look at the other lawyers. "We'll just wait outside."

All of the lawyers finally chose to leave the room with many things in their heads because they just found out that Axel was actually a mafia in New York. Of course it made them feel confused because the first time they defended a client who turned out to be a mafia.

As soon as everyone left, Zelyn walked closer to Axel who had already landed on the chair. Putting the food on the table, she sit down next to Axel and didn't want to talk about what Axel was doing earlier. Because right now she was also very hungry.

"Here's the food and please eat it, Mr. Axel. You can choose the menu that will suit your taste." Zelyn opened one by one the food that was in the heat-resistant lunch box which was healthy and did not endanger the health.

Actually Axel, who was still very emotional, was feeling hungry. However, seeing the man in uniform who seemed to be difficult and cornered him, suddenly his appetite disappeared.

"What did you say earlier? I'm angry because of the effects of hunger?" Axel laughed out loud remembering what Zelyn said to the police. "Too bad I don't have my gun at the moment."

Ignoring Axel's ridicule, Zelyn was already busy enjoying his meal. The mainstay menu of choice is Ayam Betutu, which is a side dish made from whole chicken or duck, filled with spices, then roasted in a husk fire. This betutu has been known in all districts in Bali. Ayam betutu is also a typical Gilimanuk food.

"It's better for you to eat than to pass out later during the investigation, which will take some time." Zelyn was busy chewing his food without looking at the man next to him.

With a slight tilt of his body, Axel turned his head unblinkingly at the figure of the woman beside him. "This is the first time I've seen a woman eat with her bare hands like that. Disgusting!"

Even though he just insulted Zelyn, but couldn't turn his head to see the way the woman was eating who completely ignored her ridicule. Shaking his head repeatedly, Axel was surprised when he first saw a woman eating without using a spoon or fork. During this time, he had always seen his women eat elegantly.

Meanwhile, Zelyn, who was currently tearing the betutu chicken, turned to the sharp eyes of the man who was still watching how he ate. "If I'm disgusting, don't keep staring at this way of eating." Deliberately showing how to eat, which is biting the chicken in his hand.

"Do I need to get out of here and let you eat in peace without being disgusted?" Zelyn got up from the chair and intended to tidy up his lunch box.

Without wasting any time, Axel immediately grabbed the right wrist of the woman who was standing tall next to him. "I don't like eating alone, sit down! I want to taste this Balinese food you bought."

By opening one by one the food boxes in front of him, Axel chose something that he thought was appetizing. The choice fell on Sate lilit, which was the first food he saw and was quite unique.

If Indonesians usually find satay with meat skewered on a bamboo stick, this satay is wrapped around a flat skewer. The main ingredients of satay wrap usually use mackerel fish meat and chicken meat. The spices used in the satay wrap include ginger, turmeric, garlic, shallots and various other spices.

The meat for satay is usually ground until smooth and then mixed with spices as above. After being wrapped around a bamboo stick, the satay is then grilled until cooked. Sate lilit is delicious served with rice or lontong.

"I saw this earlier when I was looking for it on a search engine because I was curious about Balinese food." Axel stopped his speech when he heard a quite loud voice from Zelyn.

"W-what? So, you already know what you want to eat? Why didn't you say you wanted to eat it? So, I can't buy all this food," Zelyn said with a sour face and pursed her lips.

"Because I want to do it. Isn't it up to me what I want to do?" Axel started to enjoy his food without looking at Zelyn's expression which he could tell was getting annoyed.

Sure enough, right now Zelyn was feeling very emotional, but couldn't express his anger at Axel because she realized that the man could blow his head like she did on the plane and made him not want to see the tragic fate of the terrorists earlier. She was forced to look at the man with a handsome face and say a sarcastic sentence.

"That's true because Axel Alcatraz is never wrong!" Zelyn exclaimed with a very sour face.

Just as he finished speaking, a man's baritone voice made him look back and she saw two tall, well-built men walking towards him.

Likewise with Axel who smiled when he saw the person he had been waiting for.

"Finally you two came too."
