Bad luck

The boisterous voice of the many media crews who had just arrived at the police station with cameras to capture the figure of a handsome man who became a hero because he had become a savior god for the crew and the country. The news circulated very quickly and could not be hidden from the reporters who had gathered to cover the news.

At first, Axel wanted to leave the police station with his confidant, but he waited a long time for his father who had yet to show up. As he waited in the front area and ordered all those who had defended him to return to their respective destinations. However, a few moments later, several journalists were seen arriving and rushing towards him, and rebuking him with various questions.

Daniel's reflex took off his shirt and immediately gave it to Axel to cover his face. "You'd better go inside. Let me take care of the reporters."

Without making a sound, Axel immediately turned around to return to the police station and at the same time, his father was seen walking out. "Dad, get them out of here. I don't want my face to be an asset to news hunters."

Arman, who understood his son's wish, patted the firm shoulder. "Try asking the police if there's a way out of here other than the front door!"

With a nod of his head, Axel immediately stepped inside to ask the police. He saw several policemen were already walking towards the exit, apparently wanting to prevent the reporters from crossing the line by going inside.

Not only that, he saw the figure of a woman who was currently carrying a plastic bag and knew it was the leftover food that was not touched earlier. Axel also asked one of the police officers to ask for another way out and as soon as he knew there was another way around the back corner that could lead him out of the police station area, he hastily grabbed Zelyn's wrist to come with him.

"Let's go from here!"

Zelyn who had wanted to go out, was very surprised by the number of reporters who came. At first she was confused because she didn't like his photo which might decorate the media when she came out of the police station and also got to know Axel. The man who is idolized by everyone because she has thwarted the evil plans of the terrorists.

Without refusing, she walked in the footsteps of a man with sturdy shoulders in front of him. The man who still didn't let go of his power, gripped his right wrist tightly. Even though in my heart I was complaining and cursing.

"This man really always does what he wants without asking me first whether I agree or not! However, I can use this to ask what he believed before, that I will not marry Ardhan. what he said would really happen. Unfortunately, I feel disturbed and can't forget it," complained Zelyn in her heart as she expressed all her feelings that she couldn't say.

Meanwhile, Axel was still following one of the policemen who led the way in front, down a rather dark hallway that was connected to a black iron door that was currently locked. Axel stopped right behind the uniformed man who was currently opening the lock with the key he had taken from under the desk drawer in his study.

As soon as the door opened, his eyes widened when he saw something that had never crossed his mind at all. "What's this?"

Meanwhile, Zelyn, who looked very relaxed, just squinted because he didn't understand Axel's question. "What's the matter? What do you mean?"

Axel glanced at a face that seemed to show an innocent face like a baby. "I think there is a big road that immediately makes us immediately tell the driver to go back here."

"You can walk a few meters and get to the side of the police station, Mr. Axel. I'll let the driver go next door. Have a nice trip." The man in the brown uniform walked away after locking the door again.

Now, Axel and Zelyn are in the area behind the police station and walking towards the right side which only leaves a one meter path.

"This is all because of the reporters who can only interfere." He turned to the back, where the woman who seemed to be having a hard time walking because her hands were carrying a plastic bag filled with food.

"You stupid!" Grab the plastic bag and throw it backwards. "Why are you bothering to carry it if you have trouble walking. Look at your path like a snail. Hurry up! I'm tired of being in this disgusting place!"

Zelyn's eyeballs are now looking at the tragic fate of the food that has fallen scattered on the ground. At first she wanted to give the food to street children she might meet on his way to the hotel. However, she felt very sorry for the rude actions of the man who had walked away from him.

"Even I bought the expensive food with my own money and he hasn't replaced it yet. Maybe for him, the food is very cheap and can be thrown away when he doesn't want it. However, for poor people, especially orphans, food is very important for survival. "

Zelyn remembers when she was in Jakarta, when she came out of a restaurant with some of his colleagues for lunch. She saw a child of about eight years looking for junk in the trash and picking up leftover food that had been thrown in the trash.

Since then, she has always set aside some of his money for street children and often distributed food to orphans who often sing at red lights.

"The mafia has no heart. If he wants to get out of here quickly, why not go alone? Why take me along and be impatient when I walk slowly? If he saw an abandoned child on the street who was hungry, would he help him? I'm such an idiot, for thinking that bastard has some feelings."

By chasing the man who had walked away from him, Zelyn ran a little. Of course, because she didn't want to upset Axel again. She saw the black car had just stopped and the man immediately got into the car, so Zelyn accelerated his run.

Out of breath, the effect of running, she hurriedly opened the door and immediately got into the car, and sit next to the man.

The car immediately drove away from the police station area and split the streets of Bali. The silence and silence in the luxury car seemed to explain that Axel and Zelyn were both busy thinking about something.

However, a few minutes later, Zelyn revealed her question. "Are we going back to the hotel, Mr. Axel?"

Axel turned his head to the left and looked at the figure of a woman with a face full of questions that represented the curiosity.

"Didn't I say earlier, you must accompany me to review the location of the hotel and also I want to see if the road access is complete, because when my grandfather first bought the land, the hilly area has not been passed by many people. So, prepare yourself to test your adrenaline while traveling around in hilly areas where there may be many wild animals that will bite you."

Zelyn could see the evil smile of Axel who seemed to be mocking him and seemed to be scaring him. Actually she was very afraid of Axel's last sentence.

"Gosh, what he said is true? What if a snake suddenly bites my leg? I'm so unlucky after meeting this mafia," Zelyn thought in his heart.
