
Axel who was smiling smirked as he suddenly had an idea in his head to make those eyelids open. By shifting his body to approach Zelyn, to be more flexible when kissing the sensual lips that had been calling him to take a sip and crush him.

Without wasting any time, he had already landed his thick lips there and at the same time, as desired, the eyelids opened and gazed at him with his thick eyes. The surprise that was clearly visible on Zelyn's face, made him smile and intend to immediately crush the pink lips.

Unlike what Axel felt, Zelyn who actually had a trauma when she was at a high place, always made him break out in cold sweat. As she was trying to calm himself down, Axel's actions took him by surprise.

Trying to dodge, his hands firmly pushed the broad chest away from him. However, not as expected, precisely the man who had mastered his lips did not let go of his power at all.

At first Axel just wanted to make Zelyn's eyes open, but as soon as he felt the sensation of softness from the soft lips of a woman trying to avoid him, it made him want to dominate. Now, his hands were holding both Zelyn's hands so as not to prevent him from doing his intention.

"Just a kiss, this isn't a big deal," Axel thought, who had already licked his soft lips which he thought tasted so sweet and also like an addiction that he couldn't stop him from taking a sip of the sweet juice contained in it.

Very possessively, Axel took a sip and crushed Zelyn's lips. Not like most women he kisses, which is always kissing back. This time, he must feel disappointed when the woman he kissed did not reply at all. Because Zelyn just stood still and tried to move to escape. Not only that, he could feel the clear grains that escaped from the eyeballs of the woman he was kissing fell and reached his lips.

This time, Zelyn could no longer hold back the crushing feeling she felt when her first kiss was stolen by this heartless man. All this time, she had always taken care of herself by never letting a single man touch her.

However, today everything was ruined because of the man who had been busy licking his lips. Unable to contain himself any longer, she was already crying to express his shattered feelings.

"Why did all this happen to me? Bad luck always surrounds me after meeting this jerk. I am an architect, not a prostitute who serves this mafia's depraved lust," Zelyn whispered in his heart.

Axel's reflex immediately released the power that had been enjoying the softness of the lips of the woman who was now sobbing in front of him. For the first time seeing a woman cry when kissed, made a surprised expression on her face and now burst into laughter.

"Oh my! This woman is really crazy! This kind of reaction?" Axel, who was very disturbed by Zelyn's crying, shouted at the driver. "Stop here!"

Automatically the man who is currently behind the wheel, was very surprised and stepped on the car brakes. "Yes sir."

As soon as the car stopped, without wasting any time, Axel immediately opened the car door and got out. Very rudely, he closed the car door and heard a very loud bang.

Zelyn, who was still crying, flinched in surprise when she heard the sound of the door that had just been closed. She turned his head towards the figure of a man who was already outside the car with his back to him.

"Actually, what does that bastard want? Shouldn't I be the one who should be angry? Why is he even now angry? Oh my God, how long do I have to be patient with this mafia's arrogant attitude?"

Zelyn took the tissue in the bag. She did not use the tissue to wipe the clear beads that adorned his face, but was directed to his lips. Now, she is busy cleaning his lips from the former kiss of the man who had stolen his first kiss.

"I'm really really disgusted. Why was my first kiss stolen by that man who used to many women."

Because imagining what she considered very disgusting, namely Axel who had kissed and made love to many women, made Zelyn feel nauseous. Covering his mouth, she, who was about to vomit, immediately opened the car door and seemed to have forgotten something.

Sure enough, as soon as he got out of the car, she kinda ran to the side of the road and immediately vomited all his stomach contents by squatting down.

Meanwhile, Axel, who was in a bad mood with Zelyn's reaction when he was kissed, was sipping his cigarette to relieve stress. Maybe if he was in the hotel, he would have made the crying woman turn into a sigh when she felt the pleasure of being raped by him.

For him, all women are the same, namely feeling pleasure during sex. He also thought that Zelyn would scream and shout his name when he felt his strength on the bed.

Axel, who had only taken a few sips of his cigarette, heard the sound of Zelyn vomiting across the street. The silhouette of the woman who was squatting, he only saw from a distance without intending to approach.

"Strange woman! Actually what else, her? Is she motion sickness? Oh my! How can there be such a strange woman."

When Axel was still busy with his thoughts that cursed Zelyn's figure. Zelyn was feeling different things, after throwing up all the contents of her stomach. As soon as she realized his current position was standing on the side of the road with a steep ravine below, his reflex made his crouching position fall to the ground with a pale face.

His face was now paler and his heart was beating twice as fast as usual. Suddenly his head hurt when a flash of terrible and terrible incident flashed in his memory and made him hold his head and close his eyes.

Zelyn immediately screamed and immediately fell unconscious on the side of the road. Luckily he didn't fall forward, but backwards. If she fell forward, of course his life would be lost when he fell into a steep ravine.

Axel, who was still smoking while observing Zelyn's movements, squinted when he saw a very strange movement accompanied by a hysterical scream. As soon as he saw the woman he thought was abnormal fell unconscious, reflex immediately ran to approach and lifted Zelyn's head into his sturdy arms.

"Strange woman, wake up! What the hell happened?" Axel patted Zelyn's white cheek to wake her up. That pale face managed to keep him busy thinking about the cause of the fainting of the woman in his arms.

"Why did she immediately scream when she saw the steep ravine earlier?" Axel is now busy thinking about why Zelyn was hysterical and fell unconscious.
