Crush me

Zelyn blinked a few times when she heard a ridiculous request that she thought was completely unreasonable. Have to act like someone else... no, but to be a sweet woman like Axel said. Zelyn's stomach seemed to turn upside down looking at Axel with her mischievous charm.

She was even busy cursing her own stupidity when she felt weak at the charm of the man who was staring at her with such intense intense gazes that it made her heart feel like it was about to explode. Hot air guessed on Zelyn's cheeks as she stared at Axel's thick lips.

If she could slap both cheeks to wake her up, she probably would. 'A slippery and dangerous creature that I must avoid,' Zelyn muttered with a still nervous feeling.

Not getting an answer from the woman who was actually daydreaming, Axel moved his hands in front of the beautiful face. "Hello, Zelin."