Intoxicating kiss

As soon as Zelyn's trousers were zipped down, without hesitation Axel had removed the lower cover of the woman who had fainted. There was something that was currently on his mind, namely a poisonous insect that had bitten Zelyn's leg until she fainted.

Of course right now what was on his mind was wanting to immediately treat the insect bite marks that might have made Zelyn's golden skin blush. By turning on the light on his cellphone, Axel looks intensely observing every inch of white feet that look very dazzling to the eye. However, he didn't have time to think about it because he was focused on finding the center of the insect bite that had paralyzed its prey.

Once found there are four spots on Zelyn's right leg that already looks swollen and red. Axel walked out of the tent and started to open the medicine box he saw in the backpack with the food.