
Zelyn can open Axel's cellphone that doesn't use a password at all. She pointed her index finger at the play button, but her face looked disappointed when the phone in her hand suddenly turned off.

"Gosh, why did it suddenly die? How is it? I was really really curious about the video because it felt like I've seen the place." Zelyn moved the phone and also tried to revive the flat object.

However, again the look of disappointment that appeared on her face when her efforts were of no use at all. "Why won't it turn on? Did the phone run out of battery? Why did the phone turn off at an inopportune time? How do I contact Axel's men if the phone dies."

Zelyn remembered something and looked at the black trousers on her left. "These pants ... she must have prepared them. Where has Axel gone so early?" Unzip the sleeping bag and get out of there.