
Zelyn's position, which was currently with her back to Axel, was still in place without moving because she was holding her balance which was currently resting on one leg. She still had the pain in her leg.

To be honest, she felt relieved when Axel offered to carry her. However, she did not want to be lulled further by the sweet demeanor of a Casanova who always makes women's hearts flower and surrenders voluntarily because of infatuation.

"There's no need to carry me. You just need to support me. I can still walk with your help." Still did not turn around to see the figure of a man behind her and was thought to be wearing clothes.

When Axel was seen wearing pants, only a shake of his head at this time revealed that at this moment he was confused about what Zelyn said. "Do you want to put a heavy load on your leg that isn't feeling well? You could end up in a wheelchair for days on end."