I wish she wasn't Princess Jasmine

Axel's thick sensual lips now traced every inch of Zelyn's white skin and continued downhill with hands that intended to open the trousers that protected the woman's bottom. He wants to immediately strip the figure of a woman who always makes him thirsty for love and is never satisfied to always touch.

Meanwhile, Zelyn, who still closed her eyes and the fingers that had been buried behind Axel's black hair, seemed to have lost her mind because she was still controlled by the passion that almost exploded her body. She seemed resigned to what the figure of a man who he began to feel was unzipping her trousers.

However, her sense of hearing suddenly caught the sound of a car roaring and it was getting closer and closer. Zelyn who reflexively woke up from her madness, reflex immediately got up from her supine position and was now holding her pants as she was about to be lowered down by the man with the shiny gaze.