I'm scared

Zelyn is now busy venting her frustration by directing a punch at Axel's wide back. Axel's teasing really embarrassed her and made her angry to hear those vulgar words. It was as if the man with a firm jaw and handsome face always turned her feelings upside down.

Just a moment ago she felt scared when Axel said it would hurt her a little while massaging. However, a few moments later, she felt angry and annoyed at the vulgar words of the man who always teased and made her feel very embarrassed. She could even see that the man was now laughing at her.

'This man is really very naughty. I feel like hitting him on the head so he doesn't always spit vulgar words. However, if I do, he will definitely punish me by kissing me,' Zelyn whispered, currently staring intently at the handsome face that made her heart melt.