Nothing will happen to you

This time, Zelyn who was used to getting threats from the male figure with a piercing gaze next to the car, didn't feel afraid at all anymore. For some reason she felt sure that what Axel had just said was just a bluff so that she would obey and not be a dissident woman.

'Threat after threat you've always relied on, Axel. Even I memorized the sentence by sentence that was spoken by Axel. I'd better be silent because I'm too lazy to respond to him,' murmured Zelyn who now chose to lock her mouth tightly and didn't intend to look at the figure of the man next to her.

At the same time, she felt very relieved when the driver had brought a wheelchair for her.

"This is the wheelchair, Mr. Axel," said the driver who put the wheelchair next to the tall, well-built man.