Exploding in a pool of desire

Zelyn's cheeks felt like they were burning when she felt Axel's thick lips sucking hard at the crook of her neck to make the nerves tighten. A few moments ago she was busy waking herself up, so as not to be lulled by the mischief of a man who punishes by sucking, whereas earlier she had said she wanted to be bitten, but Axel didn't comply.

She who wants to save herself from the mafia's power, is now directing her hand to push the strong chest of the man who confines her position so that she doesn't move. But her strength, which of course was not comparable to Axel's, simply couldn't manage to break free.

At first she felt Axel's hand on her left arm, but moments later it went down her neck and squeezed her stiff peak. She even noticed the moment Axel's thumb teased along her body which was starting to get excited. She realized that the extremely dangerous man was sending tiny pulses of pleasure through her body.