Sigh and moan long

Just a moment ago, Zelyn felt like her stomach was being stirred. Digestion is very smooth always make it regular bowel movements.

Like this time, she felt sick to her stomach after Axel came out of the room to order breakfast. Then she slowly got out of bed and started walking because she didn't want to always bother Axel.

Of course she walked while holding on to some furniture and walls in the hotel room very carefully, so as not to fall. Moreover, she still felt a little pain in her waist. Although it's not as painful as the first time it fell.

It took a struggle for Zelyn to walk to the bathroom because her footsteps were much slower than a child who was nimbly running. She was so relieved when she got to the toilet and wasted no time, shutting the door immediately.

"Finally," said Zelyn who felt very relieved once she was in the toilet.