Bad news

Axel Alcatraz hurriedly got off the sofa and put on the shorts and T-shirt that were piled up on the floor. This time he was really angry and worried about Zelyn's condition, who was limping towards the exit.

Of course, this time he felt very dizzy when he saw Zelyn looking radiant and very happy just with the free food from the hotel.

Actually, Axel does know that his lover is not the type of woman who likes all kinds of luxury and expensive jewelry. Just a few small and trivial things that made Zelyn feel happy. In fact, he really memorizes the little things that are liked by this simple woman with a beautiful and elegant face.

Like now, only with free food from the hotel, managed to make the woman he loved so much rush towards the door.

'You stupid woman!' cursed Axel who felt very annoyed at Zelyn for not paying attention to his calls.