Put me down

The car that brought the unconscious woman, none other than Arzelyn Selena, had arrived in the courtyard of a simple house that was not too big. A minimalist second floor house that has a fairly large front yard and is decorated with many ornamental plants, as if to confirm that the owner of the house is a plant lover.

Various colorful flowers that adorn the yard of the house increasingly make the atmosphere look beautiful and cool for anyone who looks at it. As soon as the black car entered the towering iron gate, the owner of the house was seen opening the door because he had been waiting for the arrival of the guest.

Wilson now looks like he just got out of the car and hastily opened the door for his employer. "Please, Mr. Steve." Staring at the figure of a woman who is currently still unconscious from the effects of the drug. "Looks like Miss Zelyn will sleep until dark, Mr. Steve. She still hasn't realized that she is no longer with Axel Alcatraz."