Fighting action

A few moments ago, Zelyn got out of the car as soon as she arrived at the hotel location which was the wedding reception for her ex-lover. Actually, you can't really say ex-lover because the two have never cut ties at all.

Axel, who is now smiling, gives his arm to Zelyn so that the woman he loves so much wants to cling to him. Before entering the hotel ballroom, he wanted to give strength to Zelyn first.

"You must always be near me, dear. Don't answer any questions people ask because it's better to be quiet and be elegant, to make everyone curious," said Axel near the ear of the woman who he knew looked very pale.

Zelyn, who is now nodding slowly and following Axel's advice, has wrapped her arms around the man who looks very handsome and handsome. Even she herself was aware that the man really had a million charms for women, and she was no exception.