Confirming my feelings

The words from Axel who just said the ambiguous sentence, which is not going to make her sleep at night, of course made Zelyn think wildly in her brain. Moreover, she couldn't forget what they had just done a moment ago on the king size bed which had turned into a very messy mess.

"What do you mean? Won't let me sleep? Don't mess around, Axel!" cursed Zelyn who currently crossed her arms towards her body like a gesture to protect herself so as not to get attacked by a man who he thought was very naughty for speaking vulgarly.

At first, Axel got up from his sitting position on the edge of the bed to ask Daniel to prepare all today's needs by giving something romantic at dinner, namely a bouquet of red roses and a diamond-encrusted ring that he would use to formally propose to the woman he thought was. already seems not to refuse like a moment ago.