Chapter 10: Freedom from evil

- And, did you get some rest? - asked Alice

Robert shook his head

- I have tried but I can't sleep - said Robert

- Do you have nightmares? - asked Alice

- When I go to bed I relive everything again - said Robert with a worried face

They didn't realize that William was watching them from the second floor. Liz, as she passed by, noticed this, and asked William in a low voice:

- What happened to the alpha male? - Liz said - I thought you were a free young man

- What the hell are they talking about? asked William

- Hello, beautiful - Liz said, trying to find out what Robert was saying to Alicia - if you want, I'll invite you to my island. Sure, if you don't party a lot. It's just that the "thump thump" doesn't suit me, you know?

- If you invite me, I'll show you the plush of my bikini - said William trying to figure out what Alicia was saying to Robert - Hahahaha

- Why haven't you told us? - Alice asked him

- I can't - said Robert

- You have to talk about it - said Alice - it's important

- They took me out of my cell at night, and forced me to dig my own grave in the desert

- I'm so so sweet that's why I'm smiling all damn day, mmm? - Liz said

William laughed a little

- They made me put a coffin in the hole - said Robert, as he remembered everything he suffered and breathed heavily as he did more - and they forced me to get inside. They shoveled sand at me. They buried me. And they left me there. In the dark. In the silence, hardly able to breathe.

- Slowly - said Alice - I'm here with you

- You know the only thing I was thinking about? - he told Alicia

- In what? - Alice asked him

- That it was the Professor ... who should be buried alive, and not me - said Robert - Excuse me ... I think I exceeded

And then Robert and Alice hugged, and William and Liz stopped laughing

- Let's go, come on - Liz said to William

And William listened to her.

- I'm an egomaniac - Diego told me in the past, while we had some wine for my brother's wedding - I'll just be willing to follow my plan. I'm obsessed with being the boss, so much so that if something doesn't go as planned ... I can become a danger, right?

I just turned to the left to see it, and I said:

- Well, yes - I said - that's what I think

- You have penetrated me - Diego told me - but you have not taken something into account. And it is that I not only love your brother. I also love the plan. And to the same extent. I would betray you perfectly, of course. The rest of the band, too. But never plan. There is my loyalty. This is much more than a heist, and you know it well. Now the plan is imperfect, I admit it. It is an unfinished poem. We need you, brother.

He took a deep breath, and shook his hand.

- Please - Diego told me

And I, the only thing I could do was shake his hand too, and accept it.

- By the way - Diego told me - the real chaos, dear Joseph, makes no noise

Liz: Diego was faithful to the heist, but that in his head only meant one thing. For the heist to continue, he had to return to command. It was his silent way of keeping us from seeing the chaos coming.

- You know what you have to do - Diego whispered to Gustavo - don't be a coward. You have to dislocate the joint between the first metacarpal and the trapezius. With strength, with decision. You turn it around and put it there. No shackle resists.

- Shhh! - said Robert, who was on his turn to watch over the hostages - Let's see if I'm going to have to separate you

- Well, it hurts a little bit - Diego whispered to Gustavo - But your freedom well deserves it, don't you think? Let's go

Gustavo began to breathe raggedly, and when he was ready, he did as Diego told him. He forcefully dislocated the joint, and as he did so, he wanted to scream, because it hurt horribly. But then he managed to calm down and took the handcuffs off his hands. And he stood up. The people around him began to murmur, because they had been amazed at what Gustavo did. Robert noticed this, and when Gustavo was at the foot of the main stairs, Robert pointed his gun at him:

- Quiet! - Robert yelled at Gustavo

Gustavo raised his hands, staring at Robert

-Quiet-said Robert while he kept pointing the gun at him

- Take it easy - Gustavo said to Robert - I'm just a fucking security

- On the ground - said Robert to Gustavo

- Nothing of that - Gustavo told him

- I told you that to the ground - said Robert

- What you gonna do? - Gustavo asked him - Are you going to shoot me unarmed?

It was then that Robert loaded the gun, ready to fire:

- I swear to God that if I have to do it, I'll shoot you - said Robert

- Are you going to kill an unarmed family man who just wants to get away? - Gustavo asked him

Robert began to breathe in gasps:

- Come on - Gustavo said

But Robert's hands were shaking:

- Here I am - Gustavo said

- Quiet! - Robert shouted to Gustavo - Quiet!

Gustavo started up the stairs looking at Robert:

- Get on the ground, Gustavo, damn it, get on the ground! - said Robert crying

- You are not going to shoot - Gustavo said to Robert

- Gustavo, get on the ground!! - shouted Robert crying - Damn, don't move! Don't move!

And when Gustavo managed to climb the main stairs of the bank without taking his eyes off Robert, Robert realized that he was unable to pull the trigger, having been tortured when he was captured. He lowered the gun shakily, because he had given up and Gustavo told him:

- See you soon - he said to Robert

Robert fell to his knees, while he breathed heavily. He felt like he was short of breath. He dropped the gun, and dropped it to the floor. But at the same time that this was happening, intermittent beeps were heard. And seconds later these beeps accelerated. And finally, a deep breath. Very deep.

There was no question. Emily was the one who took a deep breath. She had awakened.

Paquita, who was the hostage who was taking care of Emily, reassured her:

- Rest, darling - said Paquita - shhh

- You? Emily said, blinking repeatedly, because she still had not recovered all her strength

- I'm in intensive care - Paquita said - but don't worry, I've been a nurse. I go to the bathroom, but I'm with you.

-Thanks - Emily said with difficulty, because she had just woken up

Paquita winked at her and went to the bathroom.

Emily blinked again, and when she was about to rest, she heard another voice:

- Mutt - said that voice

Emily opened her eyes, and gave a strangled cry, for although she was seeing blurred, she recognized that voice and that face that she was familiar with. It was Gustavo, who told him that:

- Mutt - Gustavo told him - I told you I was going to kill you

And then Gustavo put a pillow on top of her face to suffocate and kill her silently. The beeps accelerated again.