Diabolically numb

Although he felt refreshed, William still had it difficult to comprehend the prior statement.

Likewise, he had to ask. "You remember what now? Are you sure it was the same thing?"

"How could I mistake them? I thought about this all night." Olivia revealed.

Without much mercy, the younger one critiqued. "Just saying, I doubt that you'd look for weird lights here. This place is huge, where would you even look at first?"

"Good point," The healer lady admitted.

Yet afterwards, she still insisted. "But trust me, I saw it. Back then I thought it was just sunlight, but no."

Although the lady's way of explanation leaned more towards trust rather than logic, William still found a way to consider her input as important. Scepticism would be the easy way out, but he was motivated enough to seek transparency.

The protein spike he gained from that meal, cleared out the boy's mind at a marvelous pace. Likewise, he had it easier to piece facts together.

Eventually, he figured out something quite important. Of course, he didn't aim to keep that thought to himself either.

At first he called for attention and pressured, "Do you realise what all of this means?"

Such a question wasn't so specific, so it was difficult for the other one to understand. Thanks to that fact, she escaped the actual topic. 

"What? That my memory is stupidly sharp?" She asked.

"No, let me help you catch up." The younger snakezoid said, but not before a strong sigh.

After he took a few blinks to piece his thoughts together, William asked. "Did dragon saplings attack anyone before, like, at least over three years ago?"

"No... Well, I don't think so. But why're you asking about that?" Olivia questioned as she fell deeper in confusion.

With a light, confident smirk, he slowly explained. "Easy to understand, really. I think bugs are attacking the city now, because this pyramid hasn't been working for a while, a few months maybe?"

This fine brunette caught up with what the other tried to say, likewise she expressed her thoughts.

"You're saying that the bugs are killing innocent people, because this big light hasn't given them peace?" She questioned.

Quite casually, the boy agreed. "Exactly."

Although she wanted to believe this, the lady still grew sceptic. "Maybe we need to think this through. Can that little pyramid calm down three mountains?"

"It might... I'm feeling the peace here, are we far from where you tried to kill me?" He slightly taunted.

As the pale woman's cheeks fumed red in mild anger, she shouted out. "I didn't have another choice! And you're still alive, so stop complaining! You only slept and stuff."

William enjoyed his friend's anger, at this point it sounded like a melody. But while he smirked in silence, the lady slowly got ready to answer the prior question.

After a moment, she pointed to their distant left and specified. "I carried you on my back from that way, so uh... the weird triangle is hidden over there somewhere. It's probably over a mile away, long walk."

Olivia seemed to easily lose the main point of a conversation, but thankfully, her friend here helped her stay on track.

Through a little statement, he helped the other focus further. "If I feel it from that far, dragon saplings probably felt it too. So yeah, that pyramid can probably keep the mountains calm."

It was apparent that they figured out a lot already. These couple of friends understood the root of this problem now.

However, although they progressed to a certain degree, these snakezoids swiftly grew unsatisfied. They understood the problem, but were staggered by the factual details as well.

Such a tiny pyramid forced these beasts to calm down, but how does it even work? That aside, what was the true nature of the species around here?

Nothing about this situation was normal, likewise it was difficult to figure anything out. Yet regardless of the odds and ends, another question arose once these friends partially comprehended the problem.

The younger one was first to ask about it out loud, "Okay... so what do we do now? Head back home?"

"Are you kidding? We have to look for more pyramids! Creepy or not, those edgy things can save thousands of people." The lady yelled out.

Of course she made a lot of sense, it would be beneficial for the whole city of Fik, if the wildlife here was peacefully detained.

But of course, William had to express. "I don't wanna be under some freaky-ass mind control again, it makes me uncomfortable."

"We'll be more careful this time, we know what to do... kinda." Olivia continued to encourage.

The boy was ready to disagree once more, but he remembered a prime goal he had developed, perhaps a day or so before?

Such a realisation made him think, "The hell do I wanna go home for? If I save an entire city, the king will kiss my boots!"

Afterwards he loudly expressed, "I'm with you, since you insist. Let's save a bunch of people, or whatever."

"That's the spirit! Eh... kinda." The healer reverberated, her tone showed clear joy.


The decision these friends made was firm and transparent, it could not be mistaken. They wanted to explore these mountains thoroughly, or at least until they spread peace and serenity through this whole area.

Inevitably, they realised that exploration would push their plans forward. It was imperative to walk across a few corners of this area, they had to get a better comprehension. 

The second mountain would prove useful for that matter, and that's where they were headed. The point of view they would get from up there would help pick apart any special areas.

Yet regardless of their wishes, it became painfully apparent that they had to put in effort. In short words, it wasn't enough just to set a goal, they had to put in work as well.

In this case, work was mainly oriented towards walking. The prime problem with a massive wonder of nature, was that it would take weeks to fully explore.

So admittedly, their goals would take a bit of time, it wasn't an easy target.

However, this large pocket of time could be properly used. For example, the boy could tinker through the system a bit more.

The list of tabs he wanted to check was long, but his priority was directed towards the upgrades. Once he considered how dangerous these surroundings were, it seemed mandatory to be more prepared.

Which was why William requested, "System... I remember you talking about some new upgrades, can you tell me what they're all about?"

For once he had enough patience to ask for something nicely. As although the boy was awake, his senses remained numb; anger and stress fell in that same bucket.

The pyramid still gave him peace, and whatever Olivia did to him, had a numb effect as well. So in these few moments he was calm enough.

Considering the other's wordplay, the system was swift to return the favour. She popped a medium sized tab on the boy's vision, and softly explained its contents.

At first she complimented, [These upgrades circulate around intelligence, so you're sure to love them.]

Afterwards, she weighed in. [Like in every category of purchases, there are only two of them at your disposal right now.]

While William read through this one tab, the lady in his head chirped what else there was to hear. Every word was silently sent out towards the boy's brain.

Quite punctually, the system described. [Purchase option number one = Unlock the neuro-shock ability]

Unapologetically, she specified. [This upgrade costs three-hundred and twenty system points to unlock.]

"Now what the hell is that?" William asked through a thought.

He still felt peaceful without a doubt, but that reaction erupted out of habit. The boy read through the tab which featured this upgrade, but it was difficult to understand everything on it.

Although she was slightly agitated, the system still fed the other's curiosity. 

In an attempt to call for attention, she first stated. [The neuro-shock ability can be a vital, offensive tool in a battle. Especially since its success rate isn't based on how big, or strong an enemy is.]

[On the contrary, this attack works like a charm against dumber opponents, regardless of who or what they are.] The system proudly added.

"But... how? I still don't understand what this shock thing is." William complained.

In an instant, the other reminded. [You're not supposed to know, at least, not until you buy the attribute. This time around I told you more about the upgrade, because you're entitled to a bit more information.]

"How come?" He asked.

[The visual information chart and maps,] The lady specified.

And then weighed in, [The upgrade itself gave you access to more information, yes. But to fully understand any new attributes, you need to buy them first.]

Although it was a bit confusing to understand such a scale, the boy eventually caught up and felt that it was a fair measurement. 

Once he accepted that aspect, his focus darted towards the upgrade itself. He wanted to buy it right away, but also urged to play it safe.

That was why William's focus darted to the world around them. From the looks of it, there was no danger on sight.

Olivia marched forward, and the boy followed behind her. Although silence stretched wide, it was apparent that he had a pocket of time to use.

That was why he eventually requested, "Okay system, give me that shock upgrade, thing?"