Gay or sexist?

"Yeah, I'm out of here." William grunted.

Right after, he left the big crimson table behind, and casually walked out of this huge room. Such an act had left everyone shocked, including his own team-members.

The princesses were used to being worshipped by anyone who visited them, so this act was intensively unexpected. They didn't know who these strangers were, but the bravery required to leave this counselling table, seemed mostly arrogant!

"Wait, where are you going?" Adana suddenly stood up, and aimed to follow the boy.

"What are you doing? Sit down!" Fluroma slightly shouted, gesturing to her sister.

With a stubborn pace, the young princess chased after the boy who walked out of the room. His team got ready to get out as well, although they too were confused.

"Why are you mad?" Adana spoke, as she grabbed the young man by the arm.