Butt-naked, supreme empress!

"Demise? Oh hell... So that's what the orb is for?" William grunted.

Although the actual plan had been described to him, hours before they had stormed this smoothed-out cave, he now understood that some motives had been hidden. It wasn't surprising to be tricked by a whole genius, but that didn't excuse how dangerous this situation had suddenly become!

The algae-orb didn't just keep water out of the cave, it somehow held this whole little structure together. Destroying the orb was nothing but suicidal!

"Y'all naked bastards aren't going to get me killed!" The boy shouted, and beamed towards the opposite direction.

Although his statement seemed self-centered, his behind wasn't the only thing which he wanted to save. Mirada was close by, and he aimed to drag the little lady out of here as well!

The cricket-leap ability proved essential for this escape, especially since his own ankle was still messed up because of that four-legged stingray!