Statues (2)

"Finally," Olivia excessively sighed, and rushed to hug her baby.

A tear rolled out of her eye, as the mountains of worry which had piled up on her heart, swiftly dismantled. She didn't care how her own daughter practically massacred those three men, regardless of how scary it seemed for a child to commit such a deed!

No, she was simply happy, mostly because her own kid wasn't burned to the slighest, she was absolutely okay.

Anyway, it didn't take Olivia much time to turn around and reassure something; She wanted to be certain that the rest of the group shared her degree of joy, as it didn't sound fair for them to grieve!

Led by pure intent alone, she sought out Riot across this room and tried to figure out if he was alive. Sure he wasn't a toddler of hers, but who could hate a mostly innocent child?

"Oh, thank goodness!" The same, white-scaled lady was quick to celebrate.