He did know!

"This can't be a crystal, right?" William debated with himself.

What he referred to was a glowing rock which was attached to this cavern's walls, it gave out mixed characteristics. It's rays of pink light gestured that it was some bizarre kind of crystal, but it's shape said otherwise!

The anomaly looked a lot like some bulb, but it wasn't transparent in any way. A summarized description would explain, that this thing was nothing but a glowy chunk of smoothed-out rock; It would have been utterly uninteresting, if it didn't have that glowing feature.

Anyway, the system was quick to add her bit of knowledge. [It most likely isn't a crystal, rather, it has several features which gesture that it's a metallic ore.]

"Oh... so ores around here are supposed to glow like that?" William asked, and slowly dismantled his curiosity streak.