"I'm not a big fan either, ale probably isn't so great for my brain. I always want to be ready, would even quit blinking if it was possible." William stated, his decision was more than firm.
"Eh, that's probably for the best." Said the host, and put the mug away.
Since they talked about this beverage just now, it was inevitable for half of the brainstormer's thoughts, to include ale. This combination equaled to an idea, which may include the very same flavoured water.
With an aim to figure out if his idea had any chances of progresssing, William asked. "Have you ever tried blowing these kinda barrels up? This thing is flammable, right?"
"Don't think so, it's a soft brew. But if you're on to something there... I can bring you a keg that can burn both of us down." The other answered.