

Emperor Sargon's POV.

"My chest is bare. It's high time I wore a shirt on my body" I said, heading off to my changing room. Queen Valeria followed me behind. I already knew the kind of questions she was going to ask me.

"Didn't you notice that your chest was bare since?" She asked.

"Go straight to the point  Queen Valeria. Say your mind."

"I thought you don't like her Your highness?" she asked, looking at as if the answers were written on my forehead. Funny enough they weren't.

"Who?" I Know who she was referring to, but I pretended not to.

"Queen Ariadne. I remember vividly the last time we talked about her, you said she isn't attractive to you." 

"And I changed my mind now. She is beautiful, you have eyes am sure you can see that" I answered.

"What are you saying Sargon?" Her facial expression changed from anxiety to anger.