Kill Who...

***Queen Ariadne's POV.***

I went to the Emperor's room. The guards told me that he was not in. I wondered why the maid told me that he was in chambers while he was not. I was moving through the walk way when I saw a room. The door was not locked. It's was half opened and I could hear the Emperor's voice. It seemed like he was scolding someone – perhaps Apollo.

"Excuse me your highness" I said while standing beside the door. He took him more than thirty seconds to answer. I could hear things moving quickly and the noise of irons falling down. It's was clear that they did not me to know what was going on. 

"Come in" the Emperor answered. Someone opened the door for me although I was yet to see his face. I walked to the room that looked like a hall. It would have be empty if not for the swords hanged on the wall. They were of different shapes and sizes. I was no warrior but I knew that these instrument of wars were Sharped and could kill at strike.